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I don't really know anymore

Kroshka November 5, 2017 7:03 pm

I know Junh is a psycho but demn with all the things he went tru~ I kind od understand him and xit man. I know the part where his psycho xit turned on coz of jealousy is bad.. For me it is kind of sweet coz shit man he is jealous and afraid that Inho will take her away

    Anonymous November 12, 2017 7:11 am

    What did he go through? The reason he is a psychopath is all his own doing. I like him but because he's learning how to not be an ass.

    Aila December 18, 2017 12:12 pm

    Nah fam, it's not good. I'm honestly so creeped out by him. He need some theraphy. Motherfucker is a borderline sociopath. Okay fine he's kinda cute sometimes but he needs to chill the fuck out and stop torturing people- he fricking destroyed Inho's life, goddamn. Over something that wasn't even Inho's fault. How can people ignore that? He needs to make up for some things he's done before I ever begin to like him.