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Asami in danger

Aoki Kurokawa October 29, 2017 11:21 am

It would be interesting if this time Asami is in trouble and Akihito would save him. For now, as I saw the chapter, he just got a shot but was lucky because of his phone (I say "his" because the phone Feilong gave was in his pocket). But it would reverse the situation because we saw a lot of time Akihito in danger and not the opposite. If Akihito was the guy that save his man, it would deepens the ties between him and Asami.

Just a thought ^^

    Reality bites October 29, 2017 12:10 pm

    I would have liked to have kind of seen that also. I told myself that Takaba was there in spirit in that phone.The point of the chap. was to show the true nature of Asami =Feilong .They will always compete with each other head on, but will always take on a common foe together. This part has little to do with Takaba, so far, this is to resolve Fei and Asami , and how they will interact in the future.

    Anonymous October 29, 2017 1:27 pm

    Akihito will certainly help Asami. He is training for this, learning to protect himself and people he loves. Now is the time to resolve the issue between Asami and Fei. I think it's good to see them fight as allies and business partners. Their relationship must be defined clearly without creating more interference in the relationship between Asami and Akihito. Even the roles of Mikhail and Soudoh must be clear. I understand AxA fans: they are right about seeing their favorite characters together. Remember that Sensei can add flashbacks on them to show them in love. Now history has to go on and develop into a coherent narrative plot until Asami and Akihito meet again.

    LadyLight October 29, 2017 1:32 pm
    I would have liked to have kind of seen that also. I told myself that Takaba was there in spirit in that phone.The point of the chap. was to show the true nature of Asami =Feilong .They will always compete ... @Reality bites

    Agree! ^^

    Vic October 29, 2017 1:54 pm

    That day will come in future when Aki will save Asami's handsome A** :xD

    Reality bites October 29, 2017 2:47 pm
    Akihito will certainly help Asami. He is training for this, learning to protect himself and people he loves. Now is the time to resolve the issue between Asami and Fei. I think it's good to see them fight as al... @Anonymous

    I too am waiting to see what she does with, Sudoh and Mikhail and what is the whole story behind his betraying of Asami? I mean when he learned what had happened to Asami from the info broker, he looked scared? he refused to give Mikhail what he wanted. He still betrayed Asami.( does Y.A get rid of him or let him redeem himself.) Mikhail looks to be interesting.

    Anonymous October 29, 2017 2:55 pm
    I too am waiting to see what she does with, Sudoh and Mikhail and what is the whole story behind his betraying of Asami? I mean when he learned what had happened to Asami from the info broker, he looked scar... @Reality bites

    Mikhai is an undervalued character in my opinion, it is very fascinating and the most mysterious of all. Yes, I think he is more mysterious than Asami. I think it's a good idea to deepen him.

    Reality bites October 29, 2017 3:34 pm
    Mikhai is an undervalued character in my opinion, it is very fascinating and the most mysterious of all. Yes, I think he is more mysterious than Asami. I think it's a good idea to deepen him. @Anonymous

    I don't know what his" value' is or is not perse each character is of value because they move the story along in some way. Mikhail may have his own part just like Fei we do not know what plans Y.A. has for this story. I would love to see a lot of these characters used more and their stories ......... It is testament to Y. A. leaves more questions than answers. For instance from their back interactions. Feilong and Mikhail seem to have along and varied history. what is it? she gives hints of but no real lead.

    Anonymous October 29, 2017 4:49 pm
    I don't know what his" value' is or is not perse each character is of value because they move the story along in some way. Mikhail may have his own part just like Fei we do not know what plans Y.A. has for th... @Reality bites

    You're right I was vague. By "value" I mean narrative potential

    Reality bites October 29, 2017 5:07 pm
    You're right I was vague. By "value" I mean narrative potential @Anonymous

    You are right abt, narrative potential, Y.A could spin a Russian Finder off of his back story and D. Asami's missing father why he showed up in Tokyo sigh, , Aaron's revolt. You are so so right abt. his narrative potential .