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Read this multiple times

hunterx2 October 21, 2017 6:03 am

Keigo's actions don't bother me that much. I do think that he could of stepped up sooner but I thought that he 1) Didn't think it was that serious until Chihiro's last outburst or 2) Was waiting for Chihiro to verbalize his feelings before he did anything about it. At the end of the day, Keigo is a newbie in dating and let's face it. Chihiro is delicate.

My real problem with this was with what that model said to Chihiro. Like, Chihiro is in highschool and this is the first person that he's ever gone out with. And it's a person of the same sex. He and Keigo are just learning how to handle their selves and their relationship. So what if Keigo is a little more open and okay with his gayness. Now, in a story with an older cast, the model might have had a point. But he went and picked a highschool kid who has been dating for 3 months because he thinks his boyfriend is cute.

    aleya71 November 6, 2017 2:42 am

    I'm wid you fellow yaoi reader..I been reading the comments and I think the keigo hate is a tad exaggerated

    DramioneAddiction March 4, 2018 11:22 am

    I feel like people completely ignored how Chihiro kept insisting he was fine. Not to mention he slowly started to avoid Keigo as well. Like guys, Keigo didn't really flirt with model dude. He was never alone with him until the moment he rejected him.( ̄へ ̄)

    Mango March 30, 2020 5:57 pm
    I feel like people completely ignored how Chihiro kept insisting he was fine. Not to mention he slowly started to avoid Keigo as well. Like guys, Keigo didn't really flirt with model dude. He was never alone wi... DramioneAddiction

    Throughout the first half, Chihiro has always mentioned how uncomfortable he feel when seeing Keigo with the model dude but all Keigo did is say the same thing like “I belong to you only” and then continue to go along with the model dude advances. He never notice or care when Chihiro tell him the truth that he is bother with it.