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Jeez Jiwook, fuck off. No wonder no one likes you; you're a bully, an acquaintance to rape...

Anonymous October 11, 2017 8:34 am

Jeez Jiwook, fuck off. No wonder no one likes you; you're a bully, an acquaintance to rape, and a cause of someone's suicide, AND YOU'RE STILL NOT DONE!? Do you honestly have nothing better to do with your pathetic little life?
That said, I kinda liked how Taemin, while thinking about Jiwook, wondered why he had an inferiority complex 'to me', and not, 'For Han Siwon'. While he'll always be 'Taemin', it made me feel a bit better for Siwon, like, at least someone cares enough to carry on his identity. IDK if it makes sense? Maybe I'm just making myself feel better by grasping into the fact that at least someone in this manhwa cares at least a little for that poor, now dead, child.
Also, what's brewing with Woojin and Johoon? This is so interesting!

    Anonymous October 11, 2017 11:56 am
