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it's good that kahara pushed kitagawa away

dilellama October 5, 2017 3:08 pm

i've seen a lot of comments mad about kahara pushing kitagawa away during sex but when you think about it from kahara's standpoint, it makes a lot of sense. he physically sees how kitagawa feels from the colour of the aura so he can somewhat pinpoint what affects kitagawa, in this case is the sexual attraction kitagawa has for kahara. kahara's the type of person to be hyper aware of people as seen in the manga and it's highly likely that he feels guilty for being the cause of kitagawa's absentmindedness. therefore, he rushes and asks kitagawa to have sex with him perhaps in a desperate attempt to fix things.

but i'm really happy that he pushed away kitagawa when he realises that he's not ready for sex. it's one of the most important bases in a healthy relationship, for both parties to be ready for sex, which is an incredibly intimate experience. i do admire kitagawa for not getting mad and blaming kahara and also apologizing to kahara, but too bad his feelings are somewhat in the open for kahara to see which leads to a panicky kahara that might make hasty choices.

so i think it's good that kahara pushes kitagawa away instead of enduring it like most people do in manga. he needs time to discover himself and know what he wants instead of just going with the flow.
