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PISSing me off

NekkoOtaku29 October 4, 2017 5:50 am

I have mix feelings about this manhwa..does Sangwoo even like Bum? Is this a S&M thing? I want Sangwoo dead but I also don’t want that.I want Bum to escape and make Sangwoo suffer by searching everywhere for him like in the previous chap.Honestly,idk anymore!!

    Anonymous October 4, 2017 5:59 am

    S&M is safe, sane and consensual. Chapter 35 was none of those.

    Anonymous October 4, 2017 6:03 am

    His personality disorder makes you feel that way.
    You have the genuine sangwoo who I assume does care for Bum greatly.
    Then you have the other personality which is abusive and probably doesn't care so much.

    Liv October 4, 2017 6:03 am

    His personality disorder makes you feel that way.
    You have the genuine sangwoo who I assume does care for Bum greatly.
    Then you have the other personality which is abusive and probably doesn't care so much.

    manganiME October 4, 2017 6:34 am

    Sangwoo is evil. Sangwoo is a sadist. Sangwoo doesn't have the capacity to love. Sangwoo is just torturing Bum (and every one of his victims). Sangwoo deserves to go to hell.

    takame October 4, 2017 6:38 am

    sangwoo is inlove with bum in his own psychotic way. both of them were not normal in the get go anyway.

    manganiME October 4, 2017 7:01 am
    sangwoo is inlove with bum in his own psychotic way. both of them were not normal in the get go anyway. takame

    True, they're both damaged. But Bum was sympathetic and Sangwoo hasn't been. Bum was not a sadist killer freak and he suffered tortures at the hands of uncle and Sangwoo. That's why I hoped Bum could finally, finally be free. :( But now he's an all-out collaborator, though I suppose he could just have gone so bonkers he can't even accept liberation. :(

    Kaidan October 4, 2017 7:08 am
    Sangwoo is evil. Sangwoo is a sadist. Sangwoo doesn't have the capacity to love. Sangwoo is just torturing Bum (and every one of his victims). Sangwoo deserves to go to hell. manganiME

    don't forget, if you grew up in an environment similar to sangwoo where his father beats his mother up daily, psychologically you will pick up those tendencies too, and since sangwoo has no idea of how to portray love, other than beating your love one, which he learned from his parents, his only choice of loving bum is the same way as how his father treated his mother. Don't forget, bum was also grown in an environment where is Uncle rapes him every night, that's the only taste of "love" he ever had and that's how he'll precieve love as. Not only did bum protected sangwoo from getting in jail, he also took part in murdering a person so both of them are at fault

    manganiME October 4, 2017 8:23 am
    don't forget, if you grew up in an environment similar to sangwoo where his father beats his mother up daily, psychologically you will pick up those tendencies too, and since sangwoo has no idea of how to portr... Kaidan

    Once they cross the line, I don't care, honestly. There are so many abused people, and only a percentage become sadistic torture-murderers. So, once Bum took the side of the killer cause 'I love him," he's a villain, too. Just more sympathetic than Sangwoo, for whom I have zero sympathy. He enjoys being evil. Bum at least has enough conscience to be conflicted for real from the start.

    takame October 4, 2017 11:13 am
    True, they're both damaged. But Bum was sympathetic and Sangwoo hasn't been. Bum was not a sadist killer freak and he suffered tortures at the hands of uncle and Sangwoo. That's why I hoped Bum could finally, ... manganiME

    TBH for me they are just both criminal. no matter how much people run over their tragic background it cannot be justified. even before bum helped in killing the girl, he's already doing what people would not normally do. he's a sasaeng. if you don't know what "sasaeng" is, try searching for it. i don't hate either of them tho, i think the plot is quite interesting and worth reading what would happen to these two.

    manganiME October 4, 2017 12:45 pm
    TBH for me they are just both criminal. no matter how much people run over their tragic background it cannot be justified. even before bum helped in killing the girl, he's already doing what people would not no... takame

    They are both criminal. I think the difference is degree. Bum has been forced into it to a great degree (he was physically and emotionally tortured, mentally and emotionally subjugated, kept captive, crippled, etc). Sangwoo seems to have embraced his criminality. For him, it seems like he likes the power and control and sadism. Bum was terrified, confused, and then his will seems to have been crushed or twisted. But yeah: they are both criminals.

    And Bum is a Sangwoo saesang..yep. But at least I can understand why (Sangwoo seemed to be his hero as well as love object). But then, he didn't know the real Sangwoo--who is good at covering up how evil and dangerou he is.

    Kaidan October 5, 2017 6:01 am
    They are both criminal. I think the difference is degree. Bum has been forced into it to a great degree (he was physically and emotionally tortured, mentally and emotionally subjugated, kept captive, crippled, ... manganiME

    all in all, wether you support bum or not, once their catched by the police, there background story won't mean any shit to the police or the family members of those murdered. If you see a cruel irl murder case of a son murdering his parents and other people because they were abused or whatever, people won't sympathize with the murderer, andhis situation won't bend the laws, a murder is a murder and bum took part in it too, and when you're part of those family whose member we're killed, they won't give two shots about bums abuse and just want justice

    NekkoOtaku29 October 5, 2017 8:07 am

    ....I did not expect this to have so many replies

    takame October 5, 2017 9:09 am
    ....I did not expect this to have so many replies NekkoOtaku29

    why not? i mean the topic is good for discussion. so there, the above comments are your answer

    manganiME October 5, 2017 11:02 pm
    all in all, wether you support bum or not, once their catched by the police, there background story won't mean any shit to the police or the family members of those murdered. If you see a cruel irl murder case ... Kaidan

    Yeah, this is a situation where a prosecutor should make the deal with BUM (for lesser penalties, maybe a mental institution for treatment for sure at the minimum) and Sangwoo gets the death penalty. Although, I dunno if they have that in Korea.