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This is gonna get 1 star

hunterx2 September 22, 2017 5:24 am

Honestly, I was pretty upset with it. For the first half of it, his body is used against his will. And Mi clearly spared no regard for Ken. Not his feelings, body, or time. Neither Mi nor Hikaru were thankful enough for this huge burden that was placed on Ken. Neither of them had the shame to at least do anything for him. Hikaru didn't even have the decency to have polite conversation with him most of the time.

And I don't even understand how Ken fell in love. He talked to Hikaru few times. Most of them were just Hikaru explaining how Mi messed with his body while she was using it. Besides the last time that they went to amusement park, what else did they ever do together? Silent walks home. That's it.

    gaywildcat May 16, 2018 12:53 pm

    exactly it was really unpleasant reading it...

    Mawichan January 5, 2020 3:43 am

    I meant to upvote but it was downvoted :C
    Completely agree with you though.
    It's upsetting, "Saenai-kun" deserved better.