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I really hope that Mitsuru gets the money he needs soon

❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ September 19, 2017 10:25 am

I really hope that Mitsuru gets the money he needs soon

    Redphoenix September 19, 2017 12:34 pm

    It would be nice if they could force that producer to pay off mitsuru's debt, the producer should pay for the harm he caused...
    I want to see mitsuru happy and worry free

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ September 19, 2017 5:58 pm
    It would be nice if they could force that producer to pay off mitsuru's debt, the producer should pay for the harm he caused...I want to see mitsuru happy and worry free Redphoenix

    That would be great,but I doubt that will happen