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MyLady September 16, 2017 4:37 pm

Thats it??!!! No more??!! No conrete ending??!!! I was hoping sensei will give either the sold ending about Kei's kidnapper (tho I know who that is) or the further relationship of Kei and Yuu. How disappointing. (/TДT)/

    Cake boss... September 16, 2017 5:12 pm

    Read the continuation here...

    Although they didn't find the criminal- because he moved away and he is not a serial kidnapper, he only took Tachibana on a whim when he was a kid
    BUT this DJ showcased how Tachibana truly feels about Ono...
    I don't want to spoil you further if it's a happy or sad ending between this two

    MyLady September 16, 2017 5:28 pm
    Read the continuation here... they didn't find the criminal- because he moved away and he is not a serial kidnapper, he only took Tachibana on ... @Cake boss...

    I can guess what happened to those two. Coz Kei rlly showed no interest in having relationship with any man. Im soooo sad, even tho' Yuu and Chika looks cute together.