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Goodnight, guys! If you're feeling like shit(cold, fever, depression, ect.), get better to...

HappyVirus707 September 9, 2017 4:20 am

Goodnight, guys! If you're feeling like shit(cold, fever, depression, ect.), get better tomorrow because I know I won't. I've got a stupid cold (+depression) and I'm exhausted, SO GOODNIGHT AND GET BETTER BECAUSE I WILL SUFFER ALONE, IT'S OKAY. (Also if it's your flipping birthday then happy birthday, AND thumbs this down because I sound like a hoe).

    Vincent September 9, 2017 4:27 am

    How did you know I was sick!!

    Kerrrr September 9, 2017 4:55 am

    Not to feed the negativity or anything but people will probably tell you all sorts of crap to get rid of a cold faster and NOTHING WORKS. Some pills help, but you mostly just have to suck it up. I wish you a fast recovery (from both ailments). Being sick sucks ass (in a bad way, not the sexy way)