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This manga is mis-tagged

Mameiha August 25, 2017 11:55 pm

Not an uncommon occurrence since the uploader is responsible for tagging and uploaders are fans just like you and me. In fact, this manga barely scrapes by as shounen ai. There is an undertone to a few of the relationships depicted here, but, frankly, Kuroshitsuji has WAY more homoerotic undertones and it is listed, here and professionally, as shounen only. There is no kissing, absolutely no sex and the few scenes of nudity stop above the navel. At best, there are a few "sexy", endearing expressions and a frame or two of hot guys in wet, white button down shirts. If you're expecting hot and heavy or even kawaii love and bunny cuddles, you're in for disappointment. There is not even implied sex or even implied kisses, for that matter.

That said, as a shounen manga this was pretty good. There was mystery and suspense to the story and the characters were both admirable and believable. The reading level is about junior high or high school and the plot revolves mainly around the friendships built during this time. Though I was disappointed by the lack of "yaoi" content, I still enjoyed reading this manga. However, I vaguely remember reading this exact manga with the same title, setting and characters, but the plot lines were different. Is this a revamping of an older manga?
