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I really liked this

Rosen_Mika0218 August 19, 2017 5:10 pm

but there's a part of me saying "maybe it would've been better if Oushirou confessed properly to Koba?" Just saying. For a closure and all. :)

    Turbo August 20, 2017 7:57 pm

    Yeah! Me too. I have a feeling that it will work out (or not) just confess to him and..................I don't know. Maybe, it's to complicated for me.

    animamundi September 24, 2017 3:19 am

    He did confess though, well at least he tried to I think he was seriously telling Koba the he likes him, but Koba misunderstood the “like” part. He just thought it was “like as a friend” So I guess to Oushirou that in itself is the closure. The fact that it didn’t even hit Koba that it might be another type of “like” means that he never even considered any type of romantic feeling towards the other.
    Sorry that part just felt so real to me, it hit me hard

    Martín December 19, 2017 8:03 am
    Yeah! Me too. I have a feeling that it will work out (or not) just confess to him and..................I don't know. Maybe, it's to complicated for me. Turbo

    hes face !!!! i need other vol !!! and say koba just look like a friend cus if he love im gona cry forever ╥﹏╥

    Martín December 19, 2017 8:19 am
    Yeah! Me too. I have a feeling that it will work out (or not) just confess to him and..................I don't know. Maybe, it's to complicated for me. Turbo

    ohh! my heart fels like a black hole :C