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souleater98 August 7, 2017 2:12 pm

This bitch is annoying me so much why can't she just fucking accept that she's not able to do anything on her own and just leave the tower and let baam be?? everytime I see her I get fucking pissed! everything gets shoved up her ass! she doesn't deserve the special treatment from baam even though he thinks it's 'fair', she never treated him fairly so why should he?? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 12:07 am

    If she's able to manipulate Baam when he already knows her motivations, when he knows that she will betray him and use questionable methods,... Then it's Baam fault. Plus, it's Baam who doesn't want to let her go and who is clinging to her , even manipulating her right now.

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 12:11 am

    She didn't asked them to save her, she actually couldn't understand why Baam helped her. Baam is the one who asked Gustang to save her. And Gustang didn't give her the special item because she deserves it, he gives her that thing because someone in FUG is utilizing her like a chess piece, she's a puppet. Plus, just wait, Gustang said that thing is a double edged sword, she could cut herself with it...