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Read so many comments and it irks me at how close minded some people are and it's weird be...

K April 25, 2013 1:08 pm

Read so many comments and it irks me at how close minded some people are and it's weird because they should already be open minded since they're reading YAOI for goodness sake.

Don't treat the uke's preference for older men like something SICK. Everybody has their own preference, there are some people who only likes girls/guys with an unhealthy amount of fat. Is that wrong? NO. Would you think it's wrong that a guy loves another guy? NO. So why doesn't the same apply for the uke loving older men? People should be allowed their own preference.

If you prefer big hairy men, and your friends look at you and asks what's wrong with you, you would be offended. YOU would say that it's your choice. This is the uke's choice, let him be. A fetish is one thing but most of the times the UKE falls in LOVE with the older men. Let him be and don't shove your own preference down other people's throats.

    OMG May 31, 2013 3:47 pm

    Take a chill pill dude. This is just a manga. U have a real life. Save ur preaching to someone who cares. People are free to say what they want and they dont care about ur lecture, no matter how long or how many comments u wrote. Get a life -_-

    yaoi lover May 31, 2013 4:06 pm

    Lets not assume things the way u want here. The comments did not say hes SICK. They says its not right to use ONLY a certain criteria for picking lovers. Also, they say its wrong to hook up with married guys (no matter how many yaoi u read, this is just wrong and no, I cant tell me otherwise). Lastly, the way he shows his preference in front of his lover like that, just very insensitive.
    Its their comments, you shouldnt "shove ur opinion down down other people's throats." But not like u fully understand what they wrote anyways.
    And I agree with "OMG" Maybe u should be more outgoing, instead of writing essays about manga or write tons of comments that nobody cares.

    Sora September 21, 2013 4:58 pm

    I GET what your trying to say, I really do. But the Uke here is at fault for not being considerate of his lover's feelings.
    I mean if i had a boyfriend that had a thing for older women and he ogled them in front of me I'd be pretty pissed too. He might have to stay in the hospital for a couple of months too for some odd reason... o3o
    So you are right; but not in this case. The sexual prefrence for old guys is the uke's choice, but not when he already has a lover, a
    A-Anyways! *ahem* Like I said before, your right, but not right now.