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shic + Tessi(prof. rowell) = siblings??

est. August 1, 2017 6:20 pm

this might be nothing or it could be everything so i might as well put it out here.

because of this recent chapters we know how shic's personalities and powers are very similar to his parents. He inherited his curious nature and red 'aura/powers' from his mother and his poker face from his father (lol). i was rereading and i noticed that Tessi (prof. rowell) is very similar to shic. they both share a very similar personality (being curious about rood/black magician and chasing him around) and her awakened state is similar to shic's dad. also they were seen fighting from the very beginning of this entire story and were doing so throughtout it. after all 2 people of the same nature usually collide right? also prof. rowell is in charge of the safety of the princess of the empire. she has close ties to the royal family of the country

this is probs waaaay out there. but this theory just hit me in the face so please tell me what you guys think :)

    BACKOFF August 5, 2017 6:04 pm

    The princess has the mark I guess