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Am I the only one who likes everyone?

Miruku July 29, 2017 7:45 pm

I love, love LOVE Seungbae, and I'm seriously praying he'll be okay in the next chapter! I definitely don't want him to die or get hurt. I also love Bum, despite his extreme weirdness and crazy obsessions. And I adore (plz don't hurt me) Sangwoo.. tho if he really existed, I'd hate his guts with a heated passion, but luckily this is fictional (it could be real tho); I always loved the villains in stories.. probably because they give the story purpose, i honestly don't now, lol. Or maybe a part of me just wishes the story remains as "on-going" <3

    Anonymous July 29, 2017 7:51 pm

    Yeah that Seungbae guy is hot... I hope he gets to live a little longer... I do agree with you on liking bum.

    Miruku July 29, 2017 8:04 pm
    Yeah that Seungbae guy is hot... I hope he gets to live a little longer... I do agree with you on liking bum. @Anonymous

    Tbh~ I think Sangwoo and Seungbae are hot. Seungbae looks like a greek god. So beautiful, and his personality is a breath of fresh air, but I wish he spoke up for himself more *crosses fingers* I pray you live officer Seungbae! I don't want him to die :c And Bum is adorbs, but he needs serious help and support.