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Oh, so many problems with this

Mameiha July 24, 2017 11:10 am

Starting from the top, the translation was verbatim from Japanese. This is a problem because English grammar and sentence structure is vastly different from Japanese grammar and sentence structure. For instance, if you were to read the sentence: "I will walk with you to the train station tomorrow." It will read: "Tomorrow train station with you walk will." Looks an awful lot like the sentences in the initial pages of the manga doesn't it? Next, there is no context to the relationship between the three main characters and a prequel manga is not mentioned. We are dropped straight into the middle of a ho, an idiot and a stiff fighting in a dingy apartment. We don't know who they are, how they got there or why they are fighting. I kept thinking there were pages missing, not just at the beginning, but throughout the manga as well because transitions between encounters were also confusing. Then, we have, what seem to be, well established antagonist characters dropped into our laps and they aren't even introduced to us properly until the end of the manga. Antagonists act like protagonists, protagonists act like antagonists and the final page offers little resolution except to the main plot conflict. Some mangaka and writers like to leave an ending open for their readers. In this manga's case, everything, aside from the relationship between the idiot and the stiff, was left so open that it was downright sloppy storytelling. An eighth grade writing teacher would have failed this story from page one and looked no further. It was remedial, at best, and utterly painful to read. Moving on to the plot concept, it had potential both as a love story and a torrid pornographic threesome. Sadly, it failed miserably at both. I sincerely felt like I was reading something written by a prepubescent girl who had been given a naughty idea for a manga and she was clueless as to what to do with it. If I give credit where credit is due, the art wasn't half bad, but it can also be viewed as pretty run if the mill when compared to other manga art. Part of the problem with this manga was poor translation and possibly even poor organization on the part of the uploader/scanner. If pages really are missing, the mangaka may not be to blame for this story being the "written abortion" we see here. I'd be interested in seeing this manga in hard copy. Uploaders have been known to intentionally omit pages, or entire chapters, they find distasteful. Was that the case here? What are we missing as readers?

    krixie September 13, 2017 1:36 pm

    Thanks for clarifying because I thought the story line was so strange and choppy. This is probably why I didn't enjoy the story that much.