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Ice31 June 22, 2017 6:36 am

Small world, sucks to accidentally meet your current boyfriend's ex... I wonder what would happen next. Some doors are better left untouched, so I don't know if I really want Yumi to ever see his ex again...

To be honest I really hated Kan when he was with Yumi, he was such a asshole. I no longer hate him after reading this, in fact I sympathize with him completely, at that time in his life everything was out of control... and he didn't know how to cope. (That doesn't mean it's okay to abuse your lover or friend though...)

I am happy he acknowledges that he was wrong, to be truthful if he wasn't in turmoil I would be mad. I understand Kan needs to see Yumi in order to close that chapter fully, though Yumi would most likely be better off without that encounter.

Maybe I am a little sensitive on the matter since I know some people whose been abused and the lingering impact that experience has left them. Sometimes the word Sorry heals and other times it causes an avalanche.
