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spoilerrrrrr Hakone wins the first day. The second day sprint is also won by ha...

Anonymous June 20, 2017 6:36 am


Hakone wins the first day. The second day sprint is also won by hakone.Kyoto Fushimi wins the second day of the interhigh, not the entire thing yet. I didn't think the manga has come out that fair yet.

    Anonymous June 20, 2017 6:49 am

    For the climber checkpoint in day one,tenshima lose to manami, actually he can win but he wait for manami i think when manami chain broke off

    Aiko June 24, 2017 4:53 am

    so like did Onoda have a chance against them at all? It isn't looking so good for their team. I have been debating btwn Sohoku vs Hakone. Cross fingers Sohoku wins!

    Asuka Hana June 26, 2017 11:06 am

    So what about the 2nd day mountain checkpoint?

    Anonymous June 29, 2017 2:13 pm
    So what about the 2nd day mountain checkpoint? Asuka Hana

    Kyoto fushimi win the climber on second day

    First day(hakone won)-hakone won entire thing

    Second day(kyoto fushimi won) -kyoto fushimi won the sprinter but the climber on 2nd day won by hokane,(again onoda involved in problem)

    The third day is still in motion,but i think sohoku will win for the third day interhigh

    As we know the real winner of the interhigh is who will be the winner for the third day