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I wish she would've confess her feeling to her. Rejection or not she need to get it off he...

mini_b2013 June 10, 2017 1:38 pm

I wish she would've confess her feeling to her. Rejection or not she need to get it off her chest. There will only be reget and i know how this going. While he dating the gurl he like. He's chikd hood friend goung to confess somewhat close to the end abd i dislike people like that. Don't wait until in the last minute when they find someone they love to express your feeling and don't get mad at them fir never acknowledging your feelings. Not every body knows when someone into them and you should be to blame for nit speaking up. People kill me with makung the other feel guilty. And if that person like someone else don't forced your love or pressure them by saying you know i love you and etc.
