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There is something about the art

Cerealgirl June 5, 2017 7:17 pm

There is something about the art, sometimes it's pretty but most of the time the characters wear the same expression and all of them look very feminine. I dislike the art, find it very annoying. Also the flow of panel to panel is the worst.

The only thing driving me is the plot, which seems like might fail any moment. Also, the first couple.

the second couple look wise, and storyline, to me is just appalling.

    ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ June 6, 2017 1:26 am

    I agree with the art but I like the first couple more than the second one. I don't know... I just find the blue haired kid annoying in some parts :))

    Cerealgirl June 7, 2017 5:52 pm
    I agree with the art but I like the first couple more than the second one. I don't know... I just find the blue haired kid annoying in some parts :)) ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ

    I like the first couple. :3 Can't tolerate the blue haired lad.