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Kurarisa May 31, 2017 4:36 am

Is it wrong to love sangwoo? Huhu ever since i started reading this ive always been fond of sangwoo.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:01 pm
    i literally said "you think ks and yoi are so good they couldn't possibly be homophobic". key part (you conviniently left out) being "YOU think"and you implied that by saying that if i thought ks and yoi are ho... @Anonymous

    I got the homophobic idea since you went on and on that BL is homophobic and therefore, in association, the fans/fangirls are homophobic. (i.e. "homophobic fujoshis") It was sarcasm but ya, sure whatever you believe. I can assure you I'm not ignorant, I might not be angry or gay, but I'm not ignorant.

    Hateful slurs: (you can read your replies but since you asked imma paste in a few)
    -i read this whole fucking thing to see why everyone says it's so good and "revolutionary" and all i saw was shit.
    -i hate fangirls
    -i hate koogi
    -i hate ks

    That's just from the first few comments and I won't waste my time doing work for you

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:01 pm
    Tonight's show features an angry, hateful gay teen and the "homophobic fangirls" @Anonymous

    i mean i AM an angry, hateful gay teen, but why was that not between quotation marks like the homophobic fangirls? since they ARE homophobic fangirls? hmm

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:04 pm
    i mean i AM an angry, hateful gay teen, but why was that not between quotation marks like the homophobic fangirls? since they ARE homophobic fangirls? hmm @Anonymous

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:04 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    just so you know that article was only about physical aspects, which proves my point but not entirely so

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:05 pm
    to yall who think fiction doesn't affect reality: google is free and yall are willfu... @Anonymous

    Ey ya'll we're going in circles with this kid

    Read the previous replies please

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:07 pm
    just so you know that article was only about physical aspects, which proves my point but not entirely so @Anonymous

    "People can enjoy fiction and not support or agree with what the character is, does or believes in in the story."

    Be smart enough and responsible enough to not let it affect you negatively

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:08 pm
    I got the homophobic idea since you went on and on that BL is homophobic and therefore, in association, the fans/fangirls are homophobic. (i.e. "homophobic fujoshis") It was sarcasm but ya, sure whatever you be... @Anonymous

    shit and fuck are regular slurs and weren't directed at you? and hate isn't even a slur lmao what are you 8?

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:12 pm
    "People can enjoy fiction and not support or agree with what the character is, does or believes in in the story."Be smart enough and responsible enough to not let it affect you negatively @Anonymous

    did you even read the article lmao

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:12 pm
    to yall who think fiction doesn't affect reality: google is free and yall are willfu... @Anonymous

    "Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author. Although the term fiction refers in particular to novels and short stories, it may also refer to the theatre, including opera and ballet, film, television, poetry and song. Fiction contrasts with non-fiction, which deals exclusively with factual (or, at least, assumed factual) events, descriptions, observations, etc."


    I didn't say that fiction doesn't affect the critical thinking of an individual. Fiction has no association with reality, and it doesn't represent a real life unless stated by the author.

    Fiction affects reality? Does fiction has that huge influence in your life that it become a part of your decision making? Boy, you have to sort out your priority. Individual who says that fictional material influenced them are just making an excuse.

    What you decide to do are what you want to. No one is forced to murder anyone unless they're threaten to do unwillingly.

    Sorami May 31, 2017 5:13 pm
    how the fuck can u like him.i read this whole fucking thing to see why everyone says it's so good and "revolutionary" and all i saw was shit.koogi is a shitty writer and ks is shitty and i wish sangwoo would fu... @Anonymous

    You're very much entitled to your opinion but you seem to be a bit too dramatic.

    It's too soon to say how the manhwa will end. Koogi might be luring the audience into a false sense of security just to flip the plot on its head later on.

    What? There can't exist any gay criminal? Can't they be messed up too? Are all gay people good just because they're gay? Whether or not Sangwoo and Yoonbum are good representations of people (regardless of their sexuality) is subjective but you're missing the point of the whole story if you just want them to be happy bunnies holding hands.

    This manhwa seems to be about exploring how the events we experience can make us into the people we are. You see this especially with Bum who became a stalker because he never experienced love and acceptance from his peers and family. Yoonbum has stalked both women and men so maybe he isn't even gay or bi but just desperate for the attention of whomever would give it to him.

    Sangwoo is a sociopath because his dad was shit who treated him and his mom like shit. There's probably more to his story but I'm willing to bet Sangwoo became the predator after being prey for too long and fell in love with the power. Sociopaths are usually opportunistic and maybe that ties into his sexuality. The situation would have probably gone the same had Bum been a woman instead.

    Sangwoo likes to control people and Bum is there to be controlled. That is all.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:20 pm
    "Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author. Although the term fiction... @Anonymous

    it does have an association with reality since fiction doesn't exist outside of reality?? and it does represent real life. not accurately and completely, since it's fiction (aka made up), but it still represents issues and situations we face in real life. also, the people who consume fictional works are REAL PEOPLE who DIRECTLY AFFECT REALITY.

    two cases of fiction affecting reality for you:
    1) jaws (unwillingly) made people fear and hate great whites, which lead to a mass murder of sharks after the release of the movie.
    2) (from the article) "Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beacher Stowe is given credit for transforming American views about slavery"

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 5:28 pm
    You're very much entitled to your opinion but you seem to be a bit too dramatic. It's too soon to say how the manhwa will end. Koogi might be luring the audience into a false sense of security just to flip the ... Sorami

    nah. koogi isn't a good enough author (or person) to turn the story around like that.
    that's not the point. of course gay people can be gay AND bad. but we live in a world where being gay IS being bad. so why perpetrate that (without ever questioning it)?
    i don't want them to hold hands. i don't want them to even exist.
    don't pathologize bad people. that harms ACTUAL ND PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE.
    also all the "reasons" koogi gives for all of their actions are predictable and cliché and boring.

    "Sangwoo likes to control people and Bum is there to be controlled. That is all."
    i REALLY hope you didn't mean this in a "that's just how their relationship is. kinda strange and kinky, but you gotta accept it" way

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 6:02 pm
    it does have an association with reality since fiction doesn't exist outside of reality?? and it does represent real life. not accurately and completely, since it's fiction (aka made up), but it still represent... @Anonymous

    Do you need to remind me how stupid people can be in reality?

    A fiction doesn't represent reality. It is an imaginary reality that does not have any relation to real life. That is fiction. That is what people should have been aware of when reading a fiction and they are not supposedly to believe it.

    Some people enjoy fiction. They try imagine themselves living in a fantasy and experience something they never could in real life. It was rather an amusing ride. However, for some reason some of them believe it. You don't believe other things that are obviously a fiction.

    You can believe that dragon exists but you don't go around yelling that dragon should be killed because they're dangerous. Same goes to Jaws, people were so consumed by their fear and went for killing spree because they're selfish. They were so afraid of their own safety and only believe what they want to believe. They tried to justify their action because of fiction when the truth is that people are self-centered and won't bother to check the fact.

    So you are saying that fiction affects reality. Like I said before, it does affect an individual's critical thinking. It gives you ability to think out of box and give an awareness like your second example.

    However, it doesn't affect reality. The film didn't end the slavery, it just gives you a space to see a different perspective and make your own judgement. That fiction is trying to give a context of awareness which won't affect the reality but how you perceive the reality.

    When you said fiction affect reality, it doesn't make sense because people's action is what make a reality.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 6:10 pm
    Do you need to remind me how stupid people can be in reality?A fiction doesn't represent reality. It is an imaginary reality that does not have any relation to real life. That is fiction. That is what people sh... @Anonymous

    "When you said fiction affect reality, it doesn't make sense because people's action is what make a reality."

    it does make sense because fiction affects people whose actions affect reality. therefore, fiction affects reality.
    it's not a hard concept to grasp lol

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 6:19 pm
    "When you said fiction affect reality, it doesn't make sense because people's action is what make a reality."it does make sense because fiction affects people whose actions affect reality. therefore, fiction af... @Anonymous

    What I want to say is that what we read does not impact our actions, insofar as a direct cause and not a correlation. The actual studies on this are vague at best, biased at worst, and debated in most psychology far people are unanimous: fiction does not affect or impact reality.

    A good book? It can make you think. It can make you reassess your behaviour. It can horrify you. It can arouse you. It can spark a lifetime of research. These are all emotion based on the book has engaged you on a mental level, making you think about your behaviour and personality, and - well - maybe this is what scares you, not ‘copying’ the behaviour.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 6:31 pm

    If y'all so triggered by fiction then stop abusing your mental. For example, it's not like when I read fiction like Romeo and Juliet that might make me on the verge of tears, and when I read a newspapers, documentaries, and letters from loved ones that could evoke the same emotions will make me go out and commit a double-suicide because I read the play. Damn it you guys. Fiction no reality.

    v May 31, 2017 6:39 pm
    LMAO NONE OF THESE ARE HATEFUL SLURSshit and fuck are regular slurs and weren't directed at you? and hate isn't even a slur lmao what are you 8? @Anonymous

    No, it's bigotry. Judging by your responses throughout this thread, you're a bigot.

    Sorami May 31, 2017 6:55 pm
    nah. koogi isn't a good enough author (or person) to turn the story around like that.that's not the point. of course gay people can be gay AND bad. but we live in a world where being gay IS being bad. so why pe... @Anonymous

    I really don't know where your dislike of Koogi comes from but I don't feel the same. I'm not defending or attacking the author but just willing to read every chapter and see where this goes.

    I know plenty of gay people who don't think they are bad or doing anything wrong so they would beg to differ.

    Why can't art be free? A small majority might read or see something fictional and draw opinions of real life based on those things to the majority has to be censored and restrained to cuddle the few?

    Personally I do agree that negative portrayals of marginalized groups can further marginalize said group and encourage animosity but I disagree with censoring (whether self imposed or forced through law). At the end of the day, the only mind you can change is your own and controlling what people want to read and watch isn't going to help your cause. You're free to absolutely despise this manhwa but understand others are free to love it. We live in a capitalistic society so if there's a demand for it and people are willing to pay and create, it's going to exist.

    Have you ever seen the Lifetime channel? They have stories with a similar plots to this on almost every week. And there are even channels that show murder stories all day long yet still the American population seems to be fine. I think it takes more than just one manhwa to hurt someone. Same with the pathologizing. Explain how exactly it hurts people in real life. Like it or not, sometimes our behaviours are predictable and even strangers can guess our next moves if they know enough about us. To me, it doesn't diminish our uniqueness. These explanations might be cliched but they actually do happen to people every day and those events go on to shape those individuals; a woman might end up fearing men because she was raped, a child may grow up to abuse their children because they were abused, etc.

    As for my last statement, I was stating it more matter of factly with no strings attached. I actually don't like either Sangwoo or Bum. They are both terrible people who do terrible things and both deserve to go to jail. I don't want them to end up together and I hope the story won't end with them together. I just think that given what they've both been through their behaviour is understandable. I see all of Sangwoo's actions as manipulative for his own entertainment and Sangwoo will kill Bum when he's had his fun. And I see Bum as desperate and lonely without much understanding and regards to boundaries which is why he can't see that he is in danger.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:03 pm
    What I want to say is that what we read does not impact our actions, insofar as a direct cause and not a correlation. The actual studies on this are vague at best, biased at worst, and debated in most psycholog... @Anonymous

    i never said people would copy the behavior though?
    what i said is that ks perpetuates the stigmas and stereotypes around gay and mentally ill people. and the more that they are spread and reinforced, the more they will become (even more) normalized.
    this is an issue because gay and nd people are already marginalized and this type of narrative has and continues to affect us in our daily lives.
    the problem with ks is not that people will read it and murder someone. it is that people will look at me, a gay nd man, and see me as dangerous, abnormal, disgusting, incapable of loving, wrong, sinful.

    v May 31, 2017 7:21 pm
    i never said people would copy the behavior though?what i said is that ks perpetuates the stigmas and stereotypes around gay and mentally ill people. and the more that they are spread and reinforced, the more t... @Anonymous

    We, or at least I, don't see gay people as dangerous, abnormal, abnormal etc. after I read KS. And I'm quite fond of this webtoon. It didn't change my views about homosexuals, the mentally ill or even murderers. I'm sure majority would agree and are the same. You give us too little credit.

    Spouting bigotry wouldn't also change our views. I'm sorry if a fan of KS have viewed you as abnormal, disgusting etc., but not everyone shares the same sentiments.