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Hello everybody

Pinkes May 23, 2017 10:21 am

The chapter 6 have done here Anybody can read it and give me some advice! thank you and have a good day.

    Amanecer_ May 23, 2017 3:00 pm

    If you look, you have to click in the button at the very side of a house and a book, have words in chinese and a small arrow, and if you click that, appear a list with various languages in it, like korean, english, spanish o portuguese, for example. You have to click in the language you want, I did that and the manwha translate in english, and I can read it well! Thank you for the link!!! (=・ω・=) ( sorry for the english, i can read but writting in english... not so well)

    Pinkes May 24, 2017 5:54 am
    If you look, you have to click in the button at the very side of a house and a book, have words in chinese and a small arrow, and if you click that, appear a list with various languages in it, like korean, engl... Amanecer_

    Thank you for your message. And I'll do my best to translate it!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧