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I much preferred the first couple to the second. "How can I get you to like me?" Hmm......

ArdenWinter May 22, 2017 3:32 am

I much preferred the first couple to the second.

"How can I get you to like me?" Hmm.... I don't know... Did you ever consider leading into that statement with something other than forcefully shoving your horse dick down his throat? If not, you are in need of some serious help.

    Anonymous May 26, 2017 11:19 pm

    Uh, you must have missed the part where the guy from the first story shoves his dick into the uke's ass because he was scared and then bites him and scrapes his dick because that's what semes are supposed to do to masochists? And no fucking apology? Yeah, NOPE. The first story was utter trash. Second WAY better. KTBN.