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Jesus Fucking Christ Eldo

Bloodyhell95 May 17, 2017 5:25 pm

Have you considered that the reason no one you like reciprocates your feelings is cuz you're a raging bitch?

"Oh I'm in love with your boyfriend who has made it exceedingly clear that he isn't interested in me so I'm gonna get you removed from this school so I can continue being hoobae zoned."

"Oh look. Your father is an abusive homophobe. Let me just proceed to tell him about your boyfriend. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Oh you're not interested in me and are troubled by my presence? That's okay. I'll just bully your boyfriend, sabotage your relationship, and generally ruin everyone's happiness as long as I get to stalk you."


    manganiME May 17, 2017 5:49 pm

    Exactly. And here's my tiny fiddle about her tiger parents. Big fucking deal. HeeB has a parent who beats him for being gay. YooWon has a mother sick and overworked and maybe dying, while he's studying to the point of exhaustion. And all you can do, rich girl who thinks she's entitled to the guy she wants cause she wants him, is cause trouble. Gee, thanks, Eldo, for making it likely HeeB gets his jaw broken or nose smashed or disowned. Hope you get bullied abroad 100x worse than the way you messed with HeeB and learn a lesson about not fucking with people's lives for your selfish reasons. Buh-bye. Don't come back.