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*thumbs up all the way*

KattCleo May 14, 2017 1:15 pm

This was really good ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Btw anybody else looking at their hands and trying to figure out if they pretty enough like an idiot after this? hahah

    Miki~n May 14, 2017 3:44 pm

    well I also have a thing for a beautiful hands (well maybe not that much as him) and I really like looking at peoples hands... especially mine xD that might sound narcistic, but my hands are one of the few things that I like about myself lol.

    KattCleo May 14, 2017 10:54 pm
    well I also have a thing for a beautiful hands (well maybe not that much as him) and I really like looking at peoples hands... especially mine xD that might sound narcistic, but my hands are one of the few thin... Miki~n

    good for you..? lol well in general I would agree that someone with clean nails and nice hands is a lot more welcome to touch me than someone with filthy messy ones hahahah

    Adelinekuang May 17, 2017 3:30 am

    i love beautiful hands too...Especially when the hands are playing an instrument, like a piano. I don't really like my hands though. They are slim and long, but imho too large for a girl, and I have all of these wrinkles at the joints, and the skin colour is mellow too. Sigh.