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ok. i've seen several posts about min gyeom and how he should have done something to avoid...

pandaaAAAHH May 5, 2017 4:03 pm

ok. i've seen several posts about min gyeom and how he should have done something to avoid the situation better. like???? he was only doing a favor for his upperclassmen. according to u guys? his fault. he didn't change before drinking because he didn't foresee being sexually harassed. his fault. he didn't retaliate the harassment because he was scared it would have escalated into something worse. his fault. that's what y'all sound like. how shitty do u have to be to blame min gyeom for being the victim of the actions of other shitty people? if any of u believe solving sexual harassment is as easy as changing clothing or ignoring them, then u need to immediately go to google (it's free omg) and educate yourselves.

    pandaaAAAHH May 8, 2017 3:18 pm
    Hey girrl I agree with your opinions on victim blaming and all. But BITCH get your fucking facts right coz rape IS NOT legal in India. God the fact that you just throw arround random made up facts without even ... Jammies

    i should have been more specific, but there's a right and wrong way to correct someone, perhaps you should also check your facts before calling someone ignorant, stupid, and insensitive. marital rape was actually not classified as an offence before being "outlawed" in 2006, but it's actually more of way to "persuade or coerce non- offending third parties to take responsibility and action to prevent or end criminal or nuisance behavior".