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Siti May 2, 2017 10:19 pm

Nah, I still can not feel any sympathy toward jiwook, the two faced bitch who said siwon was a fucking loser and should just 'fucking died'. the bitch was smiling when he said that he remembered siwon was crying for help in front of him with his knees on the floor.
Nothing can excuse him for his cruel behavior. If anything,the newest chapter makes me dislike him even more.

    astralsensei May 2, 2017 10:56 pm

    I get that he was jealous of his older brother but 'frick you jiwook' who the frick is happy to see their brother suffering. Like that's dark sh*t and for a horrible reason.

    manganiME May 3, 2017 5:55 pm

    This is why I keep saying that, no matter how scared or desperate he felt, the guy is evil. Who says this to a person just out of traumatic coma????