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So we all agreed that that BITCH should either die or get fire. Confronting people without...

Yuki Asena April 30, 2017 2:47 pm

So we all agreed that that BITCH should either die or get fire.
Confronting people without knowing what they've been through, and getting jealous for no goddanm reason.

..............BITCH IS DEAD..........Mc happy..........older bro gets hurt..........Kei is lovely and cares about Masa........they lived happily ever predictions............Good luck Masa and don't let go of Kei's hands......

    Kata-chan May 2, 2017 1:53 am

    If it had been me there I would have asked "bitch are u a grown up woman or a teenage girl?? Stop with it with the whinning and the nonsense!"
    Why women in yaoi must be so damn desperate and full of shit all the time? Jesus!