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ok...the comments are just flooring me. You guys really don't see it? You think Fujio do...

Anonymous April 25, 2017 3:09 am

ok...the comments are just flooring me. You guys really don't see it? You think Fujio doesn't love Kirino? That he's just the type that likes to take care of others, or that he's using Kirino to get over his love for Miyashita? So....where are you seeing all of this? Because I am honestly wondering if we are reading the same manga.

1) Where has Fujio ever said or hinted at having feelings for Miyashita? They are childhood friends and he is very protective over him, but that does not equate to having a romantic love (even in yaoi world). It's Kirino who is interpreting that they have such a close relationship. And if he is the type that would play that game (going after Kirino to get over Miyashita, while knowing Kirino's feelings for him), then he's one of the biggest jerks ever.

2a) Ok, so Fujio is obviously the caretaker type. you see him going around trying to take care of everyone? No. So far I have only seen him do that for two people. Could he be doing all of this because he feels bad for Kirino and he wants to take care of him? a point. Coming over to visit every day and bringing him stuff and feeding him....yeah, it can be interpreted that way. But he must be some kind of saint if you guys think that him kissing, touching, and jerking him off was all because he felt the need to take care of him. I mean seriously....who'd do that? If you know someone that would go to that extent to take care of someone they don't even love, please send them my way. Thanks.

2b) Assuming for a moment that he is the saintly type that would jerk off some guy just because he felt the guy needed him to....are you saying he did the same for Miyashita? (oh wait, that's right...he's a major jerk per point 1 so of course he must have). Does that mean as soon as he sees someone else whom he feels the need to help, that he'll start jerking them off too?

3) On to why I see there are feelings. I believe, as a prior poster stated, that he is just awkward and doesn't realize that he needs to say the words. I believe that he assumes he has shown it by his actions. We are talking about a boy who buys another boy expensive toilet paper because it's the brand his sister likes and is really gentle on the bottom. A boy who constantly goes around complementing the weirdest have pretty nipples? The only guys I know that would say that to another guy will usually be drunk and saying it to close friends. He brings him sweets (which in yaoi world means he likes him). He is basically trying to spoil him. Ever think that he looked up those jobs and offered to live together because he didn't want to be apart after high school? And didn't you see in the beginning where HE was the one looking at Kirino when he was talking to Miyashita? And he's obviously been watching him a lot since he knew that Kirino liked him. Maybe he switched seats because he's been sitting back there staring at Kirino all this time and was hoping to get closer....but it failed because Kirino was the one that switched with him? Or it didn't fail because now he knows that Kirino can stare at him.

    Anonymous May 2, 2017 11:12 pm

    None of that addresses the problem, mmkay? It doesn't matter if he is in love with Miyashita or not. And MOST, if not ALL, of the rest of what you said could just be put down to sexual frustration. Especially from Kirino's perspective, y'know, the point of view from which the whole audience is reading this? Or it could be put down to Fujio making fun of Kirino OR Fujio just being clueless about relationships in general which does NOT equate to being in love with a person. After all, if you want to say he does SO many things that 'prove' his love for Kirino, I could ALSO say that he does SO many things that prove he does NOT. And give you an explanation for all his presumably love-filled actions, LIKE YOU JUST DID for his presumably cruel actions, and all without victim blaming like Akuma River did and whom I presume you're referring to with the 'prior poster' statement. KTBN.

    LadyAmethyst November 1, 2017 8:57 pm
    None of that addresses the problem, mmkay? It doesn't matter if he is in love with Miyashita or not. And MOST, if not ALL, of the rest of what you said could just be put down to sexual frustration. Especiall... @Anonymous

    Wait what!? Fujuo making fun of Kirino!? Are we reading the sama Manga? Geez..if it's by Caste Game's author or any Manga that have a hint like it, tlhen yes i would agree. But for this one, the atmosphere is totally different. I guess you experience something bad in your life uh? Or at least you see someone experiencing something bad..pity

    LadyAmethyst November 1, 2017 8:59 pm

    I agree with the main Anonymous (lol). You definitely explain it better than me.

    Tolly December 8, 2017 6:28 pm
    None of that addresses the problem, mmkay? It doesn't matter if he is in love with Miyashita or not. And MOST, if not ALL, of the rest of what you said could just be put down to sexual frustration. Especiall... @Anonymous

    Are we reading the same manga? It sounds like you’re reading too much in something quite simple. Kirino feeling bad at the end was because he felt he hurt Fujio by rejecting him. Oh right, he can’t feel hurt about this because he’s just a jerk that is doing this for kicks.

    Anonymous January 14, 2018 4:36 pm
    Are we reading the same manga? It sounds like you’re reading too much in something quite simple. Kirino feeling bad at the end was because he felt he hurt Fujio by rejecting him. Oh right, he can’t feel hur... Tolly

    Um, of course you would feel guilty over hurting someone whether you COULD be hurting them or not if you liked that person. And I was addressing YOUR comment in regards to how YOU might be reading too much into something that is quite simple. So it's hilarious that you would accuse ME of doing that.

    Anonymous January 14, 2018 5:06 pm
    Um, of course you would feel guilty over hurting someone whether you COULD be hurting them or not if you liked that person. And I was addressing YOUR comment in regards to how YOU might be reading too much into... @Anonymous

    And if he isn't hurt it doesn't automatically follow that he is a jerk. So I think you're ALSO reading too much into what I'M saying.

    You also misread the part of my comment about how this was following KIRINO'S point of view, because I was ATTEMPTING to show you that the argument you were disagreeing with was essentially that Fujio's actions could be more SIMPLY interpreted as anything BUT love given EXACTLY whose point of view this is taken from. Therefore, in turn, YOU are arguing that Kirino SHOULD be able to tell that Fujio was in love with him. Given that, you are falling into the tired old trap of victim blaming, once again. I thought we could finally get away from that for once on here. But I guess not.