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This is what i call a sadistic seme! And the cat, it sees everything lol ( ̄∇ ̄") even...

HoToast April 13, 2017 3:01 pm

This is what i call a sadistic seme! And the cat, it sees everything lol ( ̄∇ ̄") even the sex scene and all it cares about is food anyway this manga is freaking hot those fantasies...!

    le ded persn April 13, 2017 6:52 pm

    i was thinking do people with cats actually do it with the cat watching or what

    bi-lateral_general April 13, 2017 8:40 pm
    i was thinking do people with cats actually do it with the cat watching or what @le ded persn

    I've heard of people complaining about their cars jumping on the bed and otherwise ruining sex so yes xD

    Anonymous June 18, 2018 12:19 am
    I've heard of people complaining about their cars jumping on the bed and otherwise ruining sex so yes xD bi-lateral_general

    Hmmm... I'd hate it if my CAR jumped on my bed while I was having sex! I T W O U L D B R E A K T H E B E D ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Anonymous June 18, 2018 12:25 am
    I've heard of people complaining about their cars jumping on the bed and otherwise ruining sex so yes xD bi-lateral_general

    Hmmm... I'd hate it if my CAR jumped on my bed while I was having sex!