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@Jing Cang lol he actually didn't hide it from Lu Cang. He even called Lu Cang stupid two...

From what I heard March 10, 2013 10:04 am

@Jing Cang

lol he actually didn't hide it from Lu Cang. He even called Lu Cang stupid two or three times for not noticing. He carefully planned it so that Lu Cang would not have the need to get jealous...though that statement is quite contradictory to what he asked Lu Cang in chapter 18.

    Jing Cang March 10, 2013 10:17 am

    Yeah..cang is soo But he wont get the idea if jing didnt spilled it out! That reminds me how stupid he was not noticing jing is noble from the clothes, his bodyguards, luxury house etc. lol

    AAAh ..... T - T March 10, 2013 10:31 am

    @ Jing Cang

    well, even Jing's actions doesnt always say "i love you", sometimes from all the torture, it will certainly be hard for Lu Cang to decide whether Jing loves him or just wants to possess him as a plaything ..... so i cant really blame Lu Cang if he couldnt tell.

    Jing Cang March 10, 2013 10:46 am

    Yeah i agree...cang us like a fave toy or smthg most of the time haha