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28 chapters and...

Siti March 28, 2017 4:49 pm

Am i the only one who still hasn't warmed up to Woojin yet? I still think he is awful and kinda dislike him. I think the only "good" person here is Taemin.

    Siti March 28, 2017 5:15 pm

    And oh, it doesn't mean I hate this manhwa, i am just wondering what his positive points are (beside being handsome). I hope someone can point it to me?

    Anonymous March 28, 2017 5:26 pm
    And oh, it doesn't mean I hate this manhwa, i am just wondering what his positive points are (beside being handsome). I hope someone can point it to me? Siti

    Just de usual hot and possesive and controlling bast- I mean alpha male exist in eevery romance books no

    Hein March 28, 2017 8:49 pm

    omg thank god, someone else. I can't stand woojin

    Anonymous March 28, 2017 11:51 pm

    Hes like, the christian grey of the manga world lol

    Caitlin March 29, 2017 2:05 am

    Yeah, same for me too. I mean, I don't hate him or think he's awful or anything, I just haven't fallen in love with him as of yet. For now, he just seems kinda mysterious and a little weird to me. I mean, I love how much he loves and is possessive of Taemin, but beyond that I feel like I don't really know him (except that he was really cute as a kid and now he's kinda monotonous).

    Anonymous March 29, 2017 2:24 am
    Hes like, the christian grey of the manga world lol @Anonymous

    Looooll, so true! That is so freaking funny!

    Anonymous March 29, 2017 2:28 am
    Hes like, the christian grey of the manga world lol @Anonymous

    I mean, I don't completely hate Woo Jin but I am NOT his biggest fan. I have seen no positive points about him, yet, after all. I am just waiting for the manwhaga to explore that, is all.