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If only

Helplessromantic March 27, 2017 2:07 pm

Does anyone else wish they were guys just so they could be gay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hello DARKNESS my old friend June 23, 2017 2:37 pm
    I agree with most of the things you said, and I love that you brought a lot of insight. but saying that "it's a mental disorder" makes you sound insensitive. being transgender isn't a problem with the mind, you... SluttySemi

    I think when they said mental disorder they were referring to GID known as gender dysphoria disorder not to transgender.

    SluttySemi June 23, 2017 4:14 pm
    I think when they said mental disorder they were referring to GID known as gender dysphoria disorder not to transgender. Hello DARKNESS my old friend

    but the only terms used was transgender and mental disorder, so i'm probably not the only one that could have took it that way. I know what GID is, and I looked over the term again when I read this comment. I just think it's important to identify what exactly you're calling a mental disorder when you're talking about LGBTQ + topics/ issues. Because unless you were a straight man/woman that identifies with your assigned gender---for so long the individuals who didn't were told they were mentally ill. In 2017 there are even church and psych programs they make lgbtq+ members undergo in the name of "correction." The wording could have damaged the way a lot of people see themselves (no matter what the intent was) that's all I was saying.

    Hello DARKNESS my old friend June 23, 2017 4:35 pm
    but the only terms used was transgender and mental disorder, so i'm probably not the only one that could have took it that way. I know what GID is, and I looked over the term again when I read this comment. I j... SluttySemi

    Yes in this comment they haven't but they have mentioned about dysphoria in one of the first three comments that's how I thought they were talking about the GID
    and I didn't mean to teach you what GID I am probably sure you knew the meaning already just like you said .I just wrote that without thinking anything I wasn't telling you what it is .

    SluttySemi June 23, 2017 5:07 pm
    Yes in this comment they haven't but they have mentioned about dysphoria in one of the first three comments that's how I thought they were talking about the GIDand I didn't mean to teach you what GID I am prob... Hello DARKNESS my old friend

    no it's fine, now any future readers have more clarification on what the person meant so it's all good!

    Anime rules! June 28, 2017 4:11 am
    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that Helplessromantic

    Lol ikr

    Anime rules! June 28, 2017 4:21 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Ik what ur saying. From ur experince i agree with u. Ive known N seen guys get picked on cuz they femine stuff. N i also understand what Blu's trying to say too. I understand that we ppl come to this websites to read N be are selves and fantasies all we want. But there is a limit to our fantasizing. N i think blu doesnt understand. N like i said i totally understand what ur saying but blus also rite. Ik u dont mean to sound rude N all but this is a place where we could be our selves N be normal for once with other ppl like us. So we all need to get along N if u dont like someones comment then u could politely tell them or dont say nothing at all. Cuz a comment is just a comment. Its there for us to say what we want in our minds, not to start an argument LOL N im guessing ur like 19 or 20 but ur pretty smart N educated. Im actually dumb tbh but keep up ur intelligence

    Anime rules! June 28, 2017 4:22 am
    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that Helplessromantic

    Lol ikr July 12, 2017 9:35 am

    Haa, yes. Also since I could just jerk off and it's easy. Being a girl is such a pain the ass (literally sometimes) plus I want a prostate so (・へ・)

    Anime rules! July 16, 2017 3:39 am

    Did anyone else laugh when they saw the 69 likes??
    Or am i just weird?

    Atys June 10, 2018 1:22 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    I'm sorry, "Gender cannot change"? What?

    Atys June 10, 2018 1:56 am
    Gender dysphoria is a serious mental disorder. If you have the feeling that you are a male, then you have a mental disorder. If you only rely on parents, teachers, and books, you might not want to close your mi... The only boi

    I'd like to point out that classifications of transgender people as being mentally disordered have changed.

    Blu❄ June 10, 2018 2:47 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Keep your bias views to yourself. You keep repeating as if you actually need to remind your one track mind that what your saying is right. Writing an encyclopedia that's based of your perspective is not anyone's truth but yours. The topic was does anyone else wish they were guys just so they could be gay? You are so lost, why don't you take your own so called direction and research beyond what you think is real and what does not exist.