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If only

Helplessromantic March 27, 2017 2:07 pm

Does anyone else wish they were guys just so they could be gay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    cupcake567 March 28, 2017 8:25 am

    Yes lol

    Anonymous April 5, 2017 10:59 pm

    Well I mean I am gay but I'm a girl and still like reading these manga?? I don't know

    Blu April 8, 2017 8:30 am

    I say the exact same thing! I also wish I had a penis

    cupcake567 April 9, 2017 2:28 am

    Same lmao ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Blu April 9, 2017 10:03 am

    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ (≧∀≦).....In my next life I shall be born a man ╥﹏╥

    cupcake567 April 9, 2017 4:29 pm

    Yessss (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ me too

    nat April 10, 2017 3:08 am
    Well I mean I am gay but I'm a girl and still like reading these manga?? I don't know @Anonymous

    im the same way im a gay girl but i like reading these manga

    Blu April 10, 2017 7:12 pm

    YAOI IS LIFEヾ(☆▽☆)

    aimehana April 16, 2017 1:59 am


    aimehana April 16, 2017 1:59 am

    YES. EVERYDAY. ╥﹏╥

    Korei April 16, 2017 6:49 pm

    Omg yes! Finally people that want to become a guy just to be gay! ;D Im so thankful!! We're not the only ones! >;)
    And to you question, like i said: Yes!

    Korei April 16, 2017 6:50 pm

    I'm a girl thats gay already anyways. ;3

    Blu April 17, 2017 10:00 am
    Omg yes! Finally people that want to become a guy just to be gay! ;D Im so thankful!! We're not the only ones! >;)And to you question, like i said: Yes! @Korei

    I know what you mean. I thought I was the only1 who wished they were born a male and be gay(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    The only boi April 26, 2017 3:29 am

    You want to be gay until you get beaten up for it. Being a gay male isn't sunshine and rainbows (idiocy intended) when you live in a conservative or poor area. Unless you're in an extremely liberal area, people will tell you that "you're too young to make this kind of decision", or people will treat you like shit for liking the same sex. (Even if you're in a liberal area, you can have the same said and done to you) Males have to conform to traditional masculinity a lot more than a female has to conform to traditional femininity as females are rarely judged for wearing pants, while I've personally been bullied for wearing pink. Stick to being female, it's much easier. I understand this post may have been written as a joke, but my point still stands.

    Blu April 26, 2017 4:33 am

    This post was not meant as a joke!! This is a place were any1 can be free to be what ever they want. The real world is full of to much negativity, discrimination and hate. If you want to full your thoughts on the unhappiness of the real world go ahead but not here. This place is freedom for the fan boys, fan girls, Fujoshis and many more to express their inner fandom. So please when you enter this world be whomever you want to be and leave the real world and its chains behind. Be free, express your inner Fandom. I and many others know how evil the world can be. Telling someone to stick to being female is you being no different than the ppl that make life harder for others to be happy being who they really are. Why should someone fake being something their not just because it's easier for who? Life is short and happiness is what we all take for granted.

    Blu April 26, 2017 4:34 am
    You want to be gay until you get beaten up for it. Being a gay male isn't sunshine and rainbows (idiocy intended) when you live in a conservative or poor area. Unless you're in an extremely liberal area, people... The only boi

    This post was not meant as a joke!! This is a place were any1 can be free to be what ever they want. The real world is full of to much negativity, discrimination and hate. If you want to full your thoughts on the unhappiness of the real world go ahead but not here. This place is freedom for the fan boys, fan girls, Fujoshis and many more to express their inner fandom. So please when you enter this world be whomever you want to be and leave the real world and its chains behind. Be free, express your inner Fandom. I and many others know how evil the world can be. Telling someone to stick to being female is you being no different than the ppl that make life harder for others to be happy being who they really are. Why should someone fake being something their not just because it's easier for who? Life is short and happiness is what we all take for granted.

    The only boi April 26, 2017 10:38 pm
    This post was not meant as a joke!! This is a place were any1 can be free to be what ever they want. The real world is full of to much negativity, discrimination and hate. If you want to full your thoughts on t... Blu

    Goodness, what I said does seem quite mean looking back on it. I didn't mean that if you feel like you rather be physically male you cannot; I only meant to say that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. It's just that many people don't understand the seriousness of something like gender dysphoria, and often wish they can change sex, but if you don't feel like a male beyond the fantasy of being gay, then it might as well be a joke about a very serious topic. If you feel like being physical male would make you happier, then I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to the people who think that the mind of a female can fit comfortable as a male. To suggest that gender is so useless in determining what body you belong in is ludicrous. If you are genuinely a transgender young man who identifies as gay then I apologize, but if you are a female who only thinks it'll be greener on the other side then I hope you can realize that gender doesn't change. I'm saying that people should be who they are, not who they envy.

    Blu April 27, 2017 1:33 am
    Goodness, what I said does seem quite mean looking back on it. I didn't mean that if you feel like you rather be physically male you cannot; I only meant to say that the grass isn't always greener on the other ... The only boi

    No matter how serious this topic is it still doesn't mean it's a joke. Females cannot physically have their own complete male sexual organ attached to them as part of their own body so the answer is yes its a fantasy. Regardless of who a person is they're some things we envy and no matter the effort we cannot be. We can never be in present time 2017, a real mermaid or genetically half man half animal. The reason the grass its greener on the other side is because ppl are what restricts a persons happiness. If ppl would stop trying to fit their ideals as x's and o's imagine the things the human race would accomplish and how united the world would be. Wishing to be on the other side is not making a mockery. Back in time if a women wanted to be her own boss ppl would laugh. If a man wanted to be a hairstylist ppl would laugh. My point is as time progresses what was a fantasy is now reality.

    The only boi April 27, 2017 3:20 am
    No matter how serious this topic is it still doesn't mean it's a joke. Females cannot physically have their own complete male sexual organ attached to them as part of their own body so the answer is yes its a f... Blu

    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you clearly have done no research as I can link many sources that disrupt the basis of your entire argument, or you are a young girl who spends too much time in your own fantasies, so I'm going to try to educate you on the subject in a professional way. I do not wish for you to change your mind, but I do wish to teach you about falsehoods you litter your argument with. Once again, I don't mean any offense with my statements; I only want to state my opinion, and show you that this isn't something to take lightly.

    Firstly, while a medical professional will likely not help a female to change her sex to male, there are many ways a transgender boy can take to become physically male. The process starts with therapy, where a professional gauges the severity and steps that should be taken by the patient, then the patient gets a letter for testosterone therapy, where they start the physical transition, then top surgery, when the mammary glands are removed, lastly bottom surgery, which can be anything from a straight up hysterectomy to phalloplasty. An erection rod can be implanted for sexual activities or toys can be supplemented. You don't need to take all or any of these steps to "qualify" as trans, but if you are interested, doing research on your own is the best way to get started.

    Of course we cannot be a mermaid or half animal, if you are talking about otherkin or therians then you will be sadly mistaken, as these identifications are mostly the result of an over active imagination or mentally disorders. I am not saying that you can't have these fantasies, but instead saying that you should not wish to have a mental disorder. If you want to do that, you can crawl back to Tumblr.

    No one is restricting your happiness though whatever illusion you have about the human race. We are simple creatures acting on basic and typically violent behaviors. If you really want to know more about how humans insist on pinning the blame on anothers and believing in stupid things you can click this link: It is human nature to hate "the other". Please don't blame me for you're own dislike for the species you were born as. Humans suck, the faster you learn this the faster you grow up. I'm going to say you're around 13 or 14? You're still a kid, please don't act as if you understand the world you live in. Explore and learn; this requires fact checking and looking at other perspectives.

    Gender cannot change; this is why we have sex reassignment surgeries. If you want to stick it up a man you can do that, it is called pegging, but please, stop with the "fantasy" drive in your argument. It isn't about fantasies; it's about the fact that you are ignoring facts and pretending that you are some new gender or something, or the fact that you envy someone and want to be like them. It's fine to envy people, but be who you are not the person you want to be. You have your whole life to find out who that is, and let me tell you that envying a person who you cannot be, because you weren't born with your brain built that way, doesn't help. It will only get worse from here, so please focus on being the best you, you can be.

    A woman being her own boss wasn't that uncommon in medieval times; married women felt the biggest blow. I admit on this point that women were disenfranchised throughout the ages, but it wasn't as bad as you think. The hair stylist thing gets on my nerves as it was mostly portrayed as a male's job to be the "barber".

    Sadly, not all fantasies become reality. If you identify as a male and you whole-heartedly believe you are a male, then I hope you transition. If it is purely a fantasy, then fantasize away, but you don't want to transition into the sex you don't belong in. Studies have shown that a transgender male is closer to a cis male than he is to female. This means that he doesn't belong as female, and as a person who identifies as female, whose brain chemistry is that of a female, doesn't belong in a male body. That is all I'm trying to say. You don't want to transition unless you are a male in your mind, and if not, stay a female; it is better to participate in an act of pegging, then ruin your body for the purpose of being in place you won't actually enjoy.

    Please do more independent research if you want to learn more and I'd be glad to point you in the right direction.

    Helplessromantic April 27, 2017 4:20 am

    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that