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My thoughts: Generic rich boy and a cute little shy girl... Who's somehow proper. No matte...

Anonymous March 23, 2017 3:12 am

My thoughts:
Generic rich boy and a cute little shy girl... Who's somehow proper. No matter how proper you are, you won't fold a napkin once you pick it up... Well, some people do, I guess...
Argh, Arrogant, conceited, typical rich boy.
Those girls are so stereotypical.
Oh? She's actually thinking like that... How refreshing, and yet expected.
Wow! I never thought I'd hear that phrase in a manga! Stereotypically, they don't point it out! Richboy suddenly becomes a more interesting character to me!
Plus he's not all bad...
Still about the errand girl?
Wait... That's it?! Where's the next part!!!???
(So, I surprisingly came to like it.)
