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Bitch Please

Inuyo March 21, 2017 11:14 pm

Bitch you need to go back to the factory you were spawned in and let our Itsuki and Jin have their precious love story that we shall sing about for generations.

CSI team get out there and lift those bitch's finger prints from the syringe of "Heat In A Hurry" so they can prove our baby was framed and put into danger and the he is a very responsible Omega that takes his meds, cause I'm betting Bitch trying to make it seems like our baby did this to get Jin, or as bitch stated hoped he would get raped and pregnant (nope, oh please, no not today not in this Omegaverse thank you very much.)

Way to go Tatebayashi and Jin for being stand up men and Alphas and controlling yourselves. Also, Jin don't for a min. think Itsuki said "I don't want this," cause he doesn't love you cause it's the furthest from the truth, though I'm sure you will.

Kiri-san talk our baby out of leaving cause we know that's not what's best for he or Jin and also how about you get to know Tatebayashi a bit better, he's seems to be a good guy.

Itsuki, believe me baby it's easier to give up then fight, but there are times it's worth it and this is one of those times.
