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some spoilers ahead --- some spoilers ahead --- This manga started great but ended up ...

Anonymous March 21, 2017 1:12 am

some spoilers ahead ---

some spoilers ahead ---

This manga started great but ended up frustrating me. I understand that Uematsu's (the uke) , past tragedy affected him but at some point i got tired at him always pushing Mutou away. I felt sorry for Mutou. He always had to do the damn waiting. Waiting for the uke to be ready to open up, waiting for the uke to realize that he liked him, waiting fot the uke to have sex with him.waiting for the uke to stop hanging on the past and on the feelings for his dead lover and beggin to realize his feelings for the seme and worse, having to wait for three fucking years for the uke to return from his journey. I get the power of love but i think i think in this case Mutou waited awfully long. Personally i was not satisfied by the end. The reunion was lukewarm, as were the feelings of the uke in the entire manga. I felt that the seme's love was stronger than the uke's and he made some pretty amazing sacrifices in order for their relationship to continue and work. I didn't see the same kind of unconditional love from the uke's part or his eagerness to be the relationship. I mean, he waited you for three fucking years, show a bit more enthusiasm seeing him, damn!

    hersheycoco March 29, 2017 11:52 pm

    Nah if he didn't love the seme he wouldn't have left in the first place. He wouldn't have left the garden to him with was his former lovers gift to him. Plus im sorry but its understandable to be so reluctant for new love cause of the guilt of moving on from a passed away lover. And I think they only knew each other for a year so in all honesty it was finely paced and to be expected esp for 6 chapters. I wish the ending had more enthusiasm also but with this pairing it was just right.

    aderlein80 April 18, 2017 10:24 am
    Nah if he didn't love the seme he wouldn't have left in the first place. He wouldn't have left the garden to him with was his former lovers gift to him. Plus im sorry but its understandable to be so reluctant f... hersheycoco

    But the ukke had already sex with other guys so it seems a bit stupid that he was only reluctant to the seme, especially in the sex area.

    Abechan30 May 21, 2017 2:14 pm

    I absolutely feel the same way. The uke was so frustrating but I'm glad he decided to move forward in the end but moving away for 3 fxcking years.. I felt sorry for the seme.

    Candied_Skull February 16, 2018 2:35 am

    I agree except I wouldn't have minded the waiting almost at all if their reunion had been more satisfying.

    hersheycoco February 16, 2018 3:12 am
    But the ukke had already sex with other guys so it seems a bit stupid that he was only reluctant to the seme, especially in the sex area. @aderlein80

    I didn't see this comment until now. But I mean frivolous sex without feelings is different when your in love. He only made love with his former lover and sex with no feeling with others. He fell in love with the seme which was a greater emotional deal esp if he were to make love for first time since then. I think the reluctance showed he meant more than the past random guys and if he were to go all the way esp that just put the final nail in the coffin. I hope as time goes he does grow from that reluctance but idk. Anyways I'm commenting based on memory so none of this is based on a fresh memory from reading.