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Anybody from Japan here? Some prefectures in Japan have legalized same-sex partnerships, r...

Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 11:00 am

Anybody from Japan here? Some prefectures in Japan have legalized same-sex partnerships, right, but are there any political/social backlashes? Or are more prefectures planning to legalize same-sex partnerships? I hope its the latter. (=・ω・=)
Also, what do the general people/locals think of it? Are they okay with it or no?

    Omura March 21, 2017 1:29 am
    Same sex marriage or partnerships? Are there the same? I'm confused...Exactly! That's what Surprises me a little. I mean, Japan has the largest gay district so I suppose people are a little bit more open minded... Rianan D Halmsu

    Well, I once opened up about me being a fujoshi to my classmates and since then they started avoiding me. There are some who are open-minded about it but mostly they are still homophobic. Japan is a Buddhist/Shintonism country but I think they are more homophobic than the Philippines which is a Christian/Catholic country. In Phillppines, gays are everywhere although they might be some who still criticized or make fun of them, mostly they are accepted...(the story will be different if we'll talk about their family though). In Japan, well... maybe people in Tokyo are more used to homosexual but in where I live right now, Kyoto, they still have a mindset from Showa-era so they are really hard-headed and close-minded. I'm not saying that they're a bad people though. Although, lately there're a lot of homosexual celebrities who are popular so I think Japanese should start to be more open-minded about it.