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Anybody from Japan here? Some prefectures in Japan have legalized same-sex partnerships, r...

Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 11:00 am

Anybody from Japan here? Some prefectures in Japan have legalized same-sex partnerships, right, but are there any political/social backlashes? Or are more prefectures planning to legalize same-sex partnerships? I hope its the latter. (=・ω・=)
Also, what do the general people/locals think of it? Are they okay with it or no?

    Anonymous March 19, 2017 11:06 am

    Hah i wish it will legalise in our country but i gues we have to wait.

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 11:08 am
    Hah i wish it will legalise in our country but i gues we have to wait. @Anonymous

    Where are you from?

    Legra March 19, 2017 11:17 am

    I'm not living in Japan currently but my relatives from my father side are Japanese. I'm just a filthy half lol. I know there are some prefectures trying to acknowledge same-sex partnerships but not legalize marriage which some people seem to misunderstand. Also, my grandparents, aunt and uncles their opinions too vague for me, they're not indifferent I feel like they aren't supporting it even though they're not saying it out loud. Or maybe I'm wrong.. idk... While my cousins they just say that sexual preferences shouldn't be discriminated in the first place.

    Anonymous March 19, 2017 11:24 am
    Where are you from? Rianan D Halmsu

    India (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    MrsHatake March 19, 2017 11:33 am
    I'm not living in Japan currently but my relatives from my father side are Japanese. I'm just a filthy half lol. I know there are some prefectures trying to acknowledge same-sex partnerships but not legalize ma... Legra

    yes, i've read or seen it in a video on yt, it's not legalized yet, but in some prefectures you can get a sertificate of some kind, but it's not equal to marriage.

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 11:37 am

    Is it different from civil unions? Or are they more or less the same?

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 11:40 am
    I'm not living in Japan currently but my relatives from my father side are Japanese. I'm just a filthy half lol. I know there are some prefectures trying to acknowledge same-sex partnerships but not legalize ma... Legra

    "Misunderstand" as in "they are destroying the 'sanctity' of marriage by legalising same sex partnerships" or "same sex partnerships are the same as marriage"?
    What about the youth, though? I mean, i can understand why elders/old people may be against it but, the general public?

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 11:41 am
    India (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ @Anonymous

    Oh, haha, India and same sex marriage. It'll take a 150 years before THAT happens. Stupid 377, hope it gets pulverized ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    BleachBoi March 19, 2017 12:59 pm
    Oh, haha, India and same sex marriage. It'll take a 150 years before THAT happens. Stupid 377, hope it gets pulverized ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Rianan D Halmsu

    Fuck, I feel you, sister. This intolerance needs to go. Down with Section 377!

    Omura March 19, 2017 1:15 pm

    I'm from Japan and I never heard of that before. I don't think they legalize same sex marriage not even in some prefectures, but they're trying to acknowledge LBGT rights which I think will take a lot of time before Japanese would stop criticizing homosexuality. Although Japan has a history of homosexuality, they're still very close-minded when it comes to this issue. BL manga, Fujoshi and Fudanshi are everywhere but they're or we're too scared to tell anyone about our hobbies because we might get criticize for it. I think Japan is still far from legalizing same-sex marriage.

    Omura March 19, 2017 1:25 pm

    Oh but one thing i'm sure is that the Japanese government is protecting the LGBT comminity. If i'll look at the government, it's not far from impossible to legalize the same-sex marriage but if i'll look at Japanese people, it seems impossible. The thing is.. the government isn't that open to the public about the LGBT community that's why the majority of Japanese are still close-minded about this. .3.

    Na-wa March 19, 2017 2:07 pm

    Shibuya and Setagawa legalized same-sex marriage since back in 2015, if I'm not mistaken, those district (ward) now have a legal paper to register a same-sex partner for marriage.

    Regarding homosexuality here, it's actually been going on since the feudal period where it's common for the daimyou to have a male lover. And now, the society itself is aware that there are a lot of gay or lesbian couple in japan (i mean c'mon, look at shinjuku nichoume, the largest gay district), but a lot seem to think that those topic is a taboo one. The older generation is a but more close-minded than the younger generation.

    Na-wa March 19, 2017 2:07 pm
    Oh but one thing i'm sure is that the Japanese government is protecting the LGBT comminity. If i'll look at the government, it's not far from impossible to legalize the same-sex marriage but if i'll look at Jap... Omura


    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 3:57 pm
    Fuck, I feel you, sister. This intolerance needs to go. Down with Section 377! @BleachBoi

    Heard that the health department declared homosexuality to be completely healthy. Not much but better than nothing. At least the pride parade is not oppressed. There's a little silver lining somewhere.

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 4:06 pm
    I'm from Japan and I never heard of that before. I don't think they legalize same sex marriage not even in some prefectures, but they're trying to acknowledge LBGT rights which I think will take a lot of time b... Omura

    Same sex partnerships have been legalised, though. Or so says wiki.

    It's got to do with the Buddhist background of I'm not mistaken. Buddhism has nothing against homosexuality, after all, right?
    You can't be an open fujoshi/fudanshi? Not even in Japan? I thought they'd be more okay with it, what with being the yaoi haven... :'(

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 4:08 pm
    Oh but one thing i'm sure is that the Japanese government is protecting the LGBT comminity. If i'll look at the government, it's not far from impossible to legalize the same-sex marriage but if i'll look at Jap... Omura

    What are the chances of Japan legalising it in the next ten years? Are the Japanese openly hostile?

    Rianan D Halmsu March 19, 2017 4:17 pm
    Shibuya and Setagawa legalized same-sex marriage since back in 2015, if I'm not mistaken, those district (ward) now have a legal paper to register a same-sex partner for marriage.Regarding homosexuality here, i... @Na-wa

    Same sex marriage or partnerships? Are there the same? I'm confused...
    Exactly! That's what Surprises me a little. I mean, Japan has the largest gay district so I suppose people are a little bit more open minded about it right? But then there are also people saying that Japan can be homophobic so I don't know what to consider... Maybe it's the other side of the same coin?
    I was reading about the daimyou and Japan's homosexuality history. I think Japan became against homosexuality during the Meiji era, when Western sentiments spread. I think.

    MrsHatake March 19, 2017 4:43 pm

    from what i've understood that 'partnership' is still does not equal marriage. idk what article it was honestly, you will have to google it.
    some people see it as something good, and some people think it's nothing special and that politicians only try to win more people with that.
    i know this video is in my recommendations and i know i googled about it but i don't remember much more xD
    i think officially it's considered that japan didn't legalize same sex marriage

    Anonymous March 19, 2017 11:08 pm
    Same sex marriage or partnerships? Are there the same? I'm confused...Exactly! That's what Surprises me a little. I mean, Japan has the largest gay district so I suppose people are a little bit more open minded... Rianan D Halmsu

    Same-sex marriage, I didn't write partnership right? Because those two are completely different terms.

    Well, at least my parents are open-minded about it, may be because we spent 10 years living abroad, idk. As homophobic as Japan can be, it's not that bad if you want to compare it to another religion freak countries. Rather than being homophobic, I think thr parents want their children to stay straight so they can produce heir. A lot of shrine here (both buddhist and shinto) are now willing to bless same-sex marriage because "same-sex marriage isn't really banned onthose religion, what matters is the behaviour of one individual.

    Omura March 21, 2017 1:16 am
    Omuraさんも日本人ですか? @Na-wa
