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Name to Yaoi manga(One shot)

HonkivsKyouki February 27, 2017 3:23 am

So for starters, I'm not too sure if this was a full fledged manga or just a one shot inside another manga. Anyways the story was about a guy who was a big fan of a famous person(Not sure if the famous person was a singer, actor, or model). The guy who is the uke if I remember correctly had his whole room filled with merchandise of the famous person, out of nowhere I believe the famous person get's an apartment next to his and I guess they start talking. They get close and for some reason, the famous person comes over to the uke's apartment and he finds the merchandise filled room.

P.s. Thank you in advance to whoever may recognize the name of the manga/one shot.

    HonkivsKyouki February 28, 2017 2:42 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Natsu

    Yes, thank you so much, this is the right one.