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Morning diamonds needs parental guidance for the sake of her and everyone's sanity.

XaXa July 3, 2024 7:19 am

Morning diamonds needs parental guidance for the sake of her and everyone's sanity.

    Salinya July 3, 2024 7:37 am

    There are two different accounts. The account (the fake one) was agreeing with someone of liking rape?!?!?!!

    XaXa July 3, 2024 10:28 am
    There are two different accounts. The account (the fake one) was agreeing with someone of liking rape?!?!?!! Salinya

    Wait what

    XaXa July 3, 2024 10:31 am
    Wait what XaXa


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:24 pm

    There are 4 accounts that the targets know of.

    The real one that has not responded in a few days. That account was created in October 2023.

    Two cyberstalkers that stolen the identity to say weird things.
    Currently, only one of them is active.
    Then there is my account that is impersonating the real one but I am defending them.

    All four of these accounts are run by different people. We don’t condone the cyberstalking or their behavior. We don’t share their opinions.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:55 pm

    Again, there are 4 accounts that the targets are aware of, which look the same:

    1. [] - The real account whose identity has been stolen. Account created in October 2023 and has not responded since June 29, 2024.

    2. [] - My account, which is impersonating the real user, but I am defending them.

    3. [] - The main cyberstalker who has stolen the identities of many people to say offensive things pretending to be their targets.

    [] - Another cyberstalker who stole the identity of the real user and is not very active. They have a different reason for their behavior.


    Both cyberstalkers have been bullying and attacking others. A few people stood up to them, trying to convey the truth of the story, which the cyberstalkers don’t like. They harm people and ignore their actions to blame others for their actions.

    We should strive for respectful and constructive discussions, not tolerate hostility and personal attacks.

    Safety Sentinel July 4, 2024 3:49 am

    The morning diamonds above is the cyberstalker. Do not engage with that confirmed pedophile.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 7:50 am

    That safety is a cyberstalker and stole that identity.

    Here is proof that one stolen the identity of safety.

    They are the ones that admitted to being a pedophile on their other accounts. Look at the real safety’s ablums.

    They stole an identity because they were threaten by the truth and they were wrong. It is over a stupid argument. They are behaving so childish trying to control people.

    Safety Sentinel July 5, 2024 2:19 am

    The account above is the account in question. He stole many minors' identities to harass them and groom even more underaged users.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 5, 2024 3:52 am

    I show prove that this cyberstalker stole an identity and they write more gaslighting statements just proving they are a cyber stalker trying to harm their targets. It is like being exposed for lie…. Hmmm “No Dad, I don’t eat the cookies” “Now, Johnny I see the cookies in your hand and the crumbs on your lips”. Johnny said “I don’t ate a cookie” as he pushes the crumbs off and puts another cookie in his mouth. “What cookie daddy?”
    They are exposed and still trying their hardest with their stupid nonsense.