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Wolves July 3, 2024 5:44 am

Okay, ik the author wanted to create some drama, but why make Sejin make such a stupid decision?! He's been getting bad vibes from this suspicious alpha but still follows him? WHY?! Ik Sejin can be dumb at times but it made sense since he wasn't informed beforehand (like his abrupt marriage or Kwon knowing what Sejin likes) At least Sejin knows his bodyguard is following him, but why did Sejin think he had no choice but to follow the brother? What could the brother do if Sejin didn't follow him? Throw a tantrum? Mf u spilled wine on Sejin's suit why would ppl care and make a scene out of it?

    Hatdoggg July 4, 2024 11:00 am

    You aren't a sa victim so u shouldnt talk

    Wolves July 5, 2024 2:50 am
    You aren't a sa victim so u shouldnt talk Hatdoggg

    U're right, I'm not a sa victim so I haven't experienced how traumatizing it rlly is. But rn, I'm focusing on the setting of the story, especially since it's an omegaverse. The brother, an alpha which is instinctively attracted to an omega, is taking Sejin, an OMEGA, to a secluded area where no one is around to see them. It is common knowledge in omegaverse that alphas think they are better than omegas and use them for sexual pleasure, especially by R@PING an omega. And even with Sejin having ALL these warnings and bad vibes from an ALPHA, he still follows him. Like wut? He at least signals the bodyguard to follow him or smth. But Sejin and the brother were in the bathroom earlier and even then Sejin felt like smth was wrong.

    Sejin is quite observant, so there's no way he would believe in this alpha who keeps on insisting that they go to a secluded bathroom. If this was not an omegaverse, then Sejin following the brother into the bathroom would be a bit more believable since pheromones and such wouldn't come into play then. But this is an OMEGAVERSE, where pheromones and "instinct" affect an omega and alpha HEAVILY. If anything, the author could've written this scene better to bring tension between the brother and Sejin cuz this scene feels way too forced to continue the plot.

    Hatdoggg July 5, 2024 10:29 am
    U're right, I'm not a sa victim so I haven't experienced how traumatizing it rlly is. But rn, I'm focusing on the setting of the story, especially since it's an omegaverse. The brother, an alpha which is instin... Wolves

    Ok smartass