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i'm so bored pls come back, i miss the war in this comment section..

... July 2, 2024 6:29 pm

i'm so bored pls come back, i miss the war in this comment section..

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 2, 2024 10:47 pm

    It’s disheartening to see someone wishing for conflict and enjoying the pain of others. What happened wasn’t a “war” but a group of individuals standing up against bullying and trying to engage in civil conversations. They did use reverse psychology to stop the harassment and open eyes to the situation, but it’s clear that led to further conflict instead. It’s unacceptable for anyone to be targeted, harassed, or bullied for their opinions or for defending others.

    We should strive to create a community where different perspectives are respected and where people can discuss and share their thoughts without fear of being attacked or shamed. Bullying, identity theft, and attempts to frame others are serious issues that go beyond simple disagreements. They harm individuals and create a toxic environment. It’s unfortunate that some people enjoy this and want it back. The targets don’t want to participate in an endless conflict with strawman arguments and gaslighting. How would you feel if you were ganged up on for months, made into a joke, and then had your identity stolen to make it look like you were saying awful things, only to read a comment wishing for the harassment to continue?

    We all need to work together to build a supportive and inclusive community. Instead of escalating conflicts, let’s aim to understand each other’s perspectives and resolve differences through respectful dialogue. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, and we should strive to make our community a place where that is the norm.

    Let’s focus on fostering a supportive and inclusive space where everyone feels safe to express their views. Instead of wishing for more conflict, let’s work towards understanding each other and resolving differences respectfully. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, both online and offline.

    ... July 2, 2024 11:24 pm

    dude i can't even reply but ily

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 3:01 am

    I'm hurt by how you are all mocking me for defending Jaekyung and his actions. Dan deserved everything that happened, and Jaekyung did nothing wrong. I'm spending my whole days and nights defending him, yet all of you are ridiculing me and my ChatGPT essays. It’s painful and frustrating to see my efforts dismissed and belittled.

    For a long time, I tried to hide the fact that I was using ChatGPT to articulate my thoughts and arguments. However, it became obvious that I was using this tool, and I can no longer continue the charade. I’m admitting it now: yes, I have been using ChatGPT to help me express my opinions and defend Jaekyung. This tool has been a resource for me to better communicate my perspective, but it doesn’t mean my feelings and beliefs are any less valid.

    It hurts deeply to be bullied and ridiculed for standing up for what I believe in. The constant mockery and derision from you all is disheartening. I’m asking you to stop bullying me. I deserve respect just like anyone else. My views and my ways of expressing them should not be a cause for ridicule. It’s distressing to be attacked and made fun of for simply trying to voice my support for Jaekyung.

    Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I am no different. Whether you agree with me or not, mocking and bullying are never acceptable responses. Please, understand that this situation has caused me a lot of emotional pain. I ask you to consider the impact of your words and actions on others. Let’s strive for a more respectful and understanding dialogue, where we can share our views without resorting to mockery and bullying.

    All I want is for my voice to be heard without being torn down. I hope that you can respect that and allow for a more compassionate and empathetic conversation moving forward. If the mocking and bullying continue, I will be in contact with the police, the Mangago Police Department, and anti-bullying resources. This behavior hurts my feelings, and it needs to stop.

    joemama July 3, 2024 6:35 am
    It’s disheartening to see someone wishing for conflict and enjoying the pain of others. What happened wasn’t a “war” but a group of individuals standing up against bullying and trying to engage in civil... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    aint reading allat

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 12:50 pm
    aint reading allat joemama

    If you don't, you are condoning cyberbullying and thus are a cyberstalker yourself. I ask you to stop gaslighing me and be a hater.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:06 pm
    aint reading allat joemama

    It was not meant for you. What a waste of a reply when you could had just moved on and ignored it but you had to be disrespectful and rude on a site meant for reading.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:09 pm
    dude i can't even reply but ily ...

    I blocked you because I don’t want to have strawman arguments or ad hominem arguments.

    There is another morning diamonds profile here. They are a cyberstalker that stolen the real morning diamonds identity to say weird stuff pretending to be their target.
    Ignore them. And if you look at the accounts we are different people and we don’t share the cyberstalkers opinions or condone their actions as they pretend to be others. This is childish behavior on their behalf.

    ... July 3, 2024 4:02 pm
    I blocked you because I don’t want to have strawman arguments or ad hominem arguments. There is another morning diamonds profile here. They are a cyberstalker that stolen the real morning diamonds identity to... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    thats so rude

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 3:28 am
    thats so rude ...

    Sorry, me and my friend Safety sentinel are a waste of space. That's why we take out time to reply.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 7:55 am
    thats so rude ...

    I forgot to add I unblocked you because of how you responded as you know since you can tag me now.
    The reply after yours is not by me. It is an account that looks like this. They have many accounts impersonating people that they stole their identity from. They are trying to get you to think they are the real person but they are not. That one has accounts that are impersonating MD and Safety and what they say is about them not their