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What if Jingi was trying to cover up for Heonjae and those notes were about him? He just m...

car wash July 2, 2024 3:44 pm

What if Jingi was trying to cover up for Heonjae and those notes were about him? He just made them put those things in his record or took the blame each time? Heonjae described his desire to cut Myeonggi, and Jingi was disgusted and asked him to get help. What if it was white hair all along, bruh...

    Peach276 July 2, 2024 4:54 pm

    Yeah it seems like Heongjae is always trying to cover up for him and it would make sense if he took the blame so that Heongjae wouldn't spend more time in jail alone.

    Clown July 2, 2024 5:51 pm

    Omg u might be on to something. I saw someone comparing this story to Mice of Men and it’s so true. I honestly believe Jingi might reach his breaking point and just abandon Heonjae. Or maybe he might just end Heonjae. I’m actually very interested in this story. Yes, it’s dark and twisted but I feel like it’s necessary for the process of story. I could be wrong but that’s my take on the matter. Also what chapter did Heonjae said he wanted to cut Myeongi??

    anon July 2, 2024 5:58 pm
    Omg u might be on to something. I saw someone comparing this story to Mice of Men and it’s so true. I honestly believe Jingi might reach his breaking point and just abandon Heonjae. Or maybe he might just end... Clown

    im pretty sure he said he wanted to cut myeongi a chapter or two ago

    Peach276 July 2, 2024 9:27 pm

    Oh so now there are three possibilities, either Jingi made the officers think that he self harmed in order to cover up for something that Heongjae did, or he actually self harms, or maybe Heongjae made those marks on him who knows. I do believe that Jingi and Heongjae are both dangerous individuals that most likely did all those terrible things written in the notes but maybe there are a few things that Jingi may have covered up for Heongjae. I kind of find it hard to believe that Jingi self harms or maybe he does it as a way to cope with something.

    Peach276 July 2, 2024 9:38 pm
    Omg u might be on to something. I saw someone comparing this story to Mice of Men and it’s so true. I honestly believe Jingi might reach his breaking point and just abandon Heonjae. Or maybe he might just end... Clown

    Omg yes. I keep saying that someone will die in this story. Either Heongjae might snap and either kill or severely injure Myeong-IL because he went too extreme or he'll kill Jingi out of jealousy or anger. Myeong-IL might end up killing Jingi or Heongjae to try and get away. As dangerous as Jingi is I feel like he has less of a cause to kill because he seems to truly care about his brother Heongjae and keeping Myeong-IL around benefits him. It's also possible that a random side character could end up killing Jingi or Heongjae because of all the terrible things they do. I love putting the pieces together and learning more about why Jingi and Heongae act the way they do.

    car wash July 2, 2024 11:16 pm
    Yeah it seems like Heongjae is always trying to cover up for him and it would make sense if he took the blame so that Heongjae wouldn't spend more time in jail alone. Peach276

    Right? It makes me wonder why tho? Like, why go that far? Like does he just care about his brother that much or does he just need him for something idk ╥﹏╥

    Fey July 2, 2024 11:38 pm

    oooo nice you might be right

    Clown July 3, 2024 1:48 am
    Omg yes. I keep saying that someone will die in this story. Either Heongjae might snap and either kill or severely injure Myeong-IL because he went too extreme or he'll kill Jingi out of jealousy or anger. Myeo... Peach276

    Omg I never actually put much thought into Heongjae snapping but you’re so right. Heonjae is such a mystery compared to Jingi. Yes we don’t really know much about both of them but we have more insight into Jinji’s mind than Heongjae’s. And based on some of the internal dialogue, Heongjae is a ticking time bomb and I definitely think Myeong-il is the trigger. Based on the bathtub scene, Heongjae will definitely use and abuse Myeong-il kindness but I think Myeong-il might realize that Heonjae is crazy and completely obsessed with him. Jingi will definitely help him with that realization. Jingi was so concern about Myeong-il’s wellbeing while we was with Heongjae. I think the seed of jealousy and doubt have been planted in both brothers and Myeong-il cause this without even trying . Myeong-il haven’t even realized that he has both brothers in the palm of his hand. We can see how he changed Jingi even though it’s slightly. But it’s enough of a change that cause Heonjae compared Jingi to their dad, which cause Jingi to pause in the moment. Anyways, the brothers are horrible people and I don’t see them changing their ways anytime soon even with Myeong-il’s influence. But I’m very excited to see how things will turn out

    Clown July 3, 2024 1:53 am
    Right? It makes me wonder why tho? Like, why go that far? Like does he just care about his brother that much or does he just need him for something idk ╥﹏╥ car wash

    I’m also wondering why too. I like to think it has to do with their parents. Idk it’s the fact that Heongjae mentioned their dad and trigger Jingi. Maybe their parents brainwashed Jingi or something ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Peach276 July 3, 2024 3:39 am
    I’m also wondering why too. I like to think it has to do with their parents. Idk it’s the fact that Heongjae mentioned their dad and trigger Jingi. Maybe their parents brainwashed Jingi or something ╮(�... Clown

    Yeah I really want to know the kind of influence their parents and other adults had in their lives. The raws have shown a little sneak peak into their childhood at separate times without each other which might imply that they might not have grown up together so I can't wait for more chapters to be translated so that we can read the dialogue and learn a bit more.