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You know you'll find many ppl in the comment section itself, not just this story but every...

Classic July 2, 2024 12:48 pm

You know you'll find many ppl in the comment section itself, not just this story but everywhere, who will reply with 'KILL YOURSELF' under positive comments because according to their moral compass that particular story is not right and would be same who threatens authors lol, some of these assholes are quick to say pedo-pedo, rapist etc etc to others without understanding the concept of the story.
I mean pple can read and write whatever they want, others can differentiate reality and fiction.
These guys are crazy, I tell you, very crazy.
It was nice when comment section was turned off here.

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 2, 2024 2:32 pm

    Bro's talking about shota oni on a comment section that has nothing to do with shota oni, THAT STORY IS PEDOPHILIC AND SO IS THE AUTHOR keep crying, us normal people are still going to want pedophiles dead "wah wah wah it's fiction" waiting to read a pedo story that romanticize said pedophilia is still fucking weird, good lord trying to compare this well written story about trauma to that pedobait story gtfo of here WEIRDO.

    Classic July 2, 2024 2:59 pm
    Bro's talking about shota oni on a comment section that has nothing to do with shota oni, THAT STORY IS PEDOPHILIC AND SO IS THE AUTHOR keep crying, us normal people are still going to want pedophiles dead "wah... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Idiot! Do you only read shota oni? The most crazy thing is, that story is what you always think about for you to even mention ithave you not seen comment section of other stories, you're the weird one bringing something not related to this story here, don't call yourself normal, you're insulting normal people by relating them to yourself.
    Nothing is pedo only your brain is rotting. Why don't you keep your mouth shut and gtfo of here retard.

    fenisme July 2, 2024 7:40 pm
    Bro's talking about shota oni on a comment section that has nothing to do with shota oni, THAT STORY IS PEDOPHILIC AND SO IS THE AUTHOR keep crying, us normal people are still going to want pedophiles dead "wah... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    why are u even mentioning shota oni when it has nothing to do with this story the fuck