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Thoughts Need To Be Said

HRAensn July 2, 2024 4:39 am

I think the hate is too much towards Mr Kang. Yeah he said something harsh (which is sometimes the truth) but we can see it stems from his insecurities. And stuff like this is actually not too uncommon, which is I’m glad they covered it here. Even in the main story ending we can see Kang was feeling insecure yet no readers noticed? Nor did Yiyoung?

This is why communication > 3rd party and jealousy bull shit. I know some are mad at Kang but it’s a real insecurity of some people when it comes to age gap. But you being mad is VALID, don’t forget that.

He wouldn’t have said that if he was sober. A lot of drunk people let loose when they’re sober so I understand. I don’t justify it but understandable. But it’s also good that he said it because both of them need to talk and reassure his insecurities. I wonder if Yiyoung brought it up? Did they try to talk? What’s stopping them?

Vol 4, Ch 8.3, when Yiyoung makes the final presentation and they can now openly date because he's not Yiyoung's boss anymore.

Kang was always dumped by his successful lovers, every time when they embarked on their career and reached a critical step. In the prequel, he just calls himself 'childish' for his thoughts here and IGNORES the problem, but clearly even then he didn't think Yiyoung would choose him when his career really takes off.

Especially since Yiyoung's answer to why he likes him was a little childish (to him). I think it brings up his own insecurities, rather then Yiyoung did anything wrong. It's a basic issue that would come up in any relationship with an AGE GAP.

So I honestly don’t get too much of the hate. Some act like he committed a crime and it’s hilarious. He can apologize for that, it’s not impossible to return from. And he also needs reassurance, not a 3rd party for him to realize.
