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sugar July 2, 2024 1:07 am

wtf is going on with jun qiyu’s head?? does he have a brain size of a pea? he’s easily fooled and he dares to have a pride higher than the heavens??? wtf man at this point, i might want to see a redemption arc but i hope the story will not end in song liqing ending up with jun qiyu. he did the most cruel thing on earth more than what his father did. i could not forgive this, i’d rather see liqing happy with the second ml than seeing liqing forgiving qiyu after all that. and i hope qiyu’s life will be fucked up and suffers an eternity, i bore the pain in shen yu and jun xuan xiao’s story but their ass son is just too much, i feel (︶︿︶)=凸
