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This is an emotional rant. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but I have strong opinions

Grey Goo July 1, 2024 11:44 pm

Buying a woman for breeding purposes, physically abusing your wife and children for two decades, institutionalizing your wife for 10 years after completely breaking her with your abuse and causing the death of one of your children with your neglect is not forgivable in my books. And I could not give less of a fuck if Endeavor is sorry now after ruining the lives of his wife and his children in major ways.

The past does not die. Mentally healthy victims of abuse just decide to move on from it, since they know their abusers don't deserve any more parts of their life than they have already taken by force and with violence. If you hurt someone the way Endeavor did, chances are your victims will never forgive you.

But considering Rei is nothing more than a plot device in this story who has been relegated to Endeavor’s caretaker, who had less lines than any of his other victims, it doesn’t matter. It makes me so mad that him being a good fighter and just doing his duty as number 1 hero was enough for people. He still got everything he wanted. Public respect as the #1 hero, a protege son who is definitely going to forgive him, and if they can keep a literal husk alive, there’s no way his body can’t be repaired over time. I’m forever going to be salty that the only in world repercussions Endeavor got for over 2 decades of abuse was 1 kid he didn’t know, never cared to know, and had no investment in cut contact… kind of.

ALSO Endeavor’s mentality be like:

One of his children dying? No problem. Driving his wife to a breakdown and institutionalizing her? She was just a breader anyway. Shoto completely hating him? Just teenage rebellion. Becoming #1 hero and All Might saying “not cool bro”?

Maybe, maybe abuse IS bad? Are my kids… people? Mind. Blown. (Still no thoughts about the wife though, he forgot all about her until she barged in)

ALSO also, him only caring about some “vague” atoning bothers me too. So he doesn’t want or care for their forgiveness. Just “atonement”. But if not actively working for their forgiveness what is that? Existing around them and NOT abusing them? That’s it (not like he’s gonna start donating to battered women and children shelters). Even up until the end he doesn’t care about how his victims feel. Forgive or not forgive, he doesn’t care so long as he feels HE’s doing his best by “atoning”. How his family feels about said atonement is irrelevant. Which is why he didn’t give a shit, didn’t shed a single tear, when one of his kids said they were going no contact. He’s working on how he feels toward his family, not how they feel toward him.

I liked Endeavor in concept and as a character, but this shonen “everything turns out alright” ending toward a domestic abuse subplot really bothers me. (Also bringing back a literal pile of cinders just for cheap closure)
