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chan il and riin

unikalluto July 1, 2024 6:47 pm

idk i think chan il shouldve asked riin herself since that's his gf? ik him and cirrus were already friends way before they dated so i can /kinda/ see why he would want to confront him first. it's just that personally, if i'd seen my s/o hugging someone else and going to their apartment, i would want to seek clarification from them first, not the other guy. even if the guy was my friend. because why were YOU out there embracing someone like that right after abruptly leaving me when you received a phone call?

BUT i totally understand chan il's reaction. i think they are at the early stage in their relationship and they still have so much more to learn about the other. it's just i feel it was out of hand to approach cirrus like that. how about you talk to your girlfriend bruh

    bishounensupremacy July 1, 2024 7:18 pm

    i mean cirrus has been kind of a dick to him for a while now, i think the tension between them has been building up and exploded when he saw him w his gf on top of everything. a betrayal from a friend could be as bad as one from a SO imo, plus they go to school together so its harder to avoid talking about it